AltWeeklies Wire
A Chat with Wynton Marsalisnew
Over the years, music director, trumpeter and gentleman Wynton Marsalis has maneuvered several smaller craft—a quartet, a quintet and a septet—through jazz waters. Currently, he’s docking a quindectet.
Weekly Alibi |
Mel Minter |
02-05-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Roman Numerals Delivers Rhythm Rocknew
Roman Numerals is equal parts straight-laced indie rock and dance-hall electro grooves. The songs aren't club bangers but they aren't head bangers either.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
02-05-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: The Roman Numerals
Is Our Future in the Oil Patch?new
Tecton Energy of Houston won’t say what it’s found after six months of exploration. But the company is punching more wells into the ground to pursue its hunch that the area holds valuable quantities of natural gas.
Weekly Alibi |
Jim Scarantino |
02-05-2008 |
Tags: environment
There are Alternatives to Desert Rock Power Plantnew
Navajo grassroots organizations continue to chip away at a Desert Rock coal-fired plant. Meanwhile, supporters maintain the proposed power plant will provide much-needed revenue for the Navajo Nation.
Weekly Alibi |
Kyra Gurney |
02-05-2008 |
Tags: environment
Leaps for the Common Lifenew
New and recent books from New Mexico poets.
Weekly Alibi |
Lisa Lenard-Cook |
01-15-2008 |
Recipe: Belgian Onion Soupnew
There are few perceivable pillars of French cooking that are as widely and voraciously loved as scalding-hot onion soup cloaked in a blistering layer of melted Gruyère.
Weekly Alibi |
Alex Brown and Evan George |
01-15-2008 |
One Man's Quest for Mysterynew
In some ways, Ben Chasny's feelings about MySpace match his take on creating music in general.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
01-15-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Alternative Rock Conceived in a Snowstormnew
"We were just trapped inside and all we could do was drink and record," says Botnix lead singer-guitarist Tim O'Brien. "The storm was the best thing that ever happened to this band."
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
01-15-2008 |
Tags: Botnix, de-fe-'ni-shens/
White History Week Resets the Defaultnew
"How would you feel if you had just a month for your history? It's kind of a silly notion. We have the whole year for white people."
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
01-08-2008 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
A Locavore's Winter Salad Barnew
One family's trying to live the locavore lifestyle but they're running into one problem: salad cravings.
Weekly Alibi |
Chef Boy Ari |
12-18-2007 |
Down with Christmasnew
A selection of the Christmas albums we received this year, all of which fill us with urges to stab each other with sharpened candy canes.
Weekly Alibi |
Staff |
12-18-2007 |
Greg Ruggiero’s 'Balance'new
Warm and liquid, the music of jazz guitarist Greg Ruggiero slides into the ear so easily, you don’t notice until it’s already had its way with you.
Weekly Alibi |
Mel Minter |
12-18-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Balance, Greg Ruggiero
Back to the Drawing Boardnew
Is it possible you've lived for the past seven years amid the wreckage of post-20th-century pop culture and you still don't know what the hell anime is?
Weekly Alibi |
Devin D. O’Leary |
12-18-2007 |
Corn-based Doc Unearths America’s No. 1 Cropnew
Without calls to action or divisive language, this artistic little piece of investigative journalism explores the hand-in-hand transformation of corn and the American food supply.
Weekly Alibi |
Jessica Cassyle Carr |
12-18-2007 |
Tags: Aaron Woolf, King Corn
Twelve Books for Christmasnew
Or Yule, or Kwanzaa, or no reason at all.
Weekly Alibi |
Lisa Lenard-Cook |
12-18-2007 |