AltWeeklies Wire

Seven Suggestions for Newspapers

Tens of millions of Americans still want newspapers enough to pay for them. Yet circulation and revenues keep plunging. Normally, when demand exists for a product, it is possible to sell it at a profit. It's hard to avoid the conclusion that poor management is at least partly to blame for the industry's problems.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  05-06-2010  |  Media

Coulda Shoulda Won't

Most of the time, the people in charge—the people responsible for what went wrong—were warned in advance. They simply chose to ignore the warnings.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  04-27-2010  |  Commentary

Tea Party: Why the Right Doesn't Get it

Progressives find much to like in Tea Partiers' calls for a return to core values embodied by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But only in theory.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  04-22-2010  |  Commentary

Free the Troops

If the military wants to attract smart young men and women like I used to be, with high test scores and clean criminal records, they're going to have to start treating recruits like employees, not slaves or indentured servants.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  04-14-2010  |  Commentary

The Plight of the Hawaiian Monk Sealnew

Hawaiian Monk Seals have swum the oceans for millions of years, even pre-dating the formation of the main Hawaiian Islands. Now, though federally protected under the Endangered Species Act, these marine mammals are imperiled, with the long-term survival of the species uncertain.
Maui Time  |  Rob Parsons  |  04-12-2010  |  Animal Issues

Ted Rall on the Revolution in Kyrgzystan

The revolution in Kyrgyzstan could have far-reaching effects. Ted Rall, who travels frequently to the country, responds.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  04-08-2010  |  International

Anatomy of a Corporate Layoff

They say getting laid off is better than being "fired for cause." You qualify for unemployment benefits. It looks better to future prospective employers (ha! as though those still existed). Getting laid off isn't personal. For me, that was the problem.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  04-07-2010  |  Economy

Out-Republicaning the Republicans

Triangulation is a candidate's attempt to position himself above and between the left and the right. A Democrat, Clinton insulated himself from Republican attacks by appropriating many of their ideas. Obama is even more of a triangulator than Clinton.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  04-01-2010  |  Commentary

Damn! I Wish I Was a Republican

To guts, glory, and the Party of No. May we learn from them.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-18-2010  |  Commentary

Hey Right-Wingers! Please Save Us From ObamaCare!

America desperately needs smart, strong opposition to ObamaCare. The worst part of this bad plan is its "mandate," which requires the uninsured to buy insurance at hyper-inflated prices from greedy for-profit private corporations.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-18-2010  |  Science

Animated Cartoon: How to Save Newspapersnew

The average age of a newspaper reader is 55. Now, in handy Animated form, comes the solution: reaching out the older readers who are keeping the press vibrant!
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-15-2010  |  Media

Triumph of the Swill: Thoughts on 'The Hurt Locker'

The Motion Picture Academy's choice of "The Hurt Locker" as best film of 2009 is a sad commentary on the movie business as well as America's unwillingness to face the ugly truth about itself nearly a decade after 9/11.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-11-2010  |  War

The Italians Were Right to 'Censor' Google

This column appears in print newspapers. If I were to write that you were (for example) a drug-addicted child pornographer, my editors would ask me if it was true and demand that I source my allegation. On the other hand, there are no gatekeepers online.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-02-2010  |  Tech

Say It's So, Tiger Woods!

Let's assume that all the accusations of serial philandering are true. That no waitress was safe from Tiger Woods' charms. What right do we, the public, have to be upset? Woods never presented himself as a pillar of moral virtue. He marketed himself as a great golfer. His job was to knock balls into holes—which he did. He didn't cheat at golf.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  02-20-2010  |  Sex

Animated Cartoon: In Search of the Democratsnew

Why Dems don't exist.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  02-18-2010  |  Cartoons

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