AltWeeklies Wire
Betting on Steamnew

The Obama administration is boosting its investment in renewable, geothermal power. But will it solve our energy problems?
East Bay Express |
Nate Seltenrich |
07-27-2012 |
America's Petro-Terroristsnew

Wall Street and Washington conspire to destabilize the U.S. economy, one barrel of oil at a time.
Fracking interests spent heavily to influence N.C. lawmakersnew

The PACs of companies with an interest in fracking contributed to the campaigns of more than 100 N.C. legislators between 2009 and 2011—more than $730,000 in all.
A Flak's Guide to Frackingnew

If we were greenwashing professionals, how would we rebrand fracking to make it sound noble, conscientious -- even sexy?
Talisman Energy Stirs Resistancenew

Leaders from Peru accuse Calgary-based Talisman Energy of dirty deeds in its quest for Amazon oil.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Suzy Thompson |
05-11-2012 |
Texas, EPA Battle Over Frackingnew

How one man's flaming water fired up a battle between Texas and the EPA — and what it means for the future of fracking.
Dallas Observer |
Brantley Hargrove |
05-02-2012 |
An Unnatural Statenew

A battle is raging in Arkansas between the natural gas industry and recreation interests.
The Memphis Flyer |
Joe Boone |
03-29-2012 |
A plan to weatherize 200+ homes in Winston-Salemnew
Sandra Lawson and her 76-year-old mother gave up their trailer in West Virginia about six years ago when they decided to move down to Winston-Salem to be closer to Doris’ other children. The house on Leo Street was the seventh their realtor showed them.
YES! Weekly |
Jordan Green |
03-26-2012 |
Tags: Energy, Home weatherization
Pittsboro, N.C. says no thanks to frackingnew

The Pittsboro Town Board voted unanimously Monday night to approve part of an anti-fracking resolution that asks the Legislature to keep the controversial drilling practice illegal.
The Great Shale Rush in South Texasnew

While it borders on the heretical to say it aloud, judging from very recent shale plays elsewhere in the country — like the Marcellus, the Barnett, the Fayetteville — this may not go down as the century of natural gas, after all.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
03-14-2012 |
N.C. Town to Vote on Anti-Fracking Resolutionnew

Pittsboro, N.C. could join the towns of Creedmoor and Carrboro in its official opposition to fracking if its Town Board passes a resolution.
Mitch Daniels Rallies to Aid Indiana Gasificationnew

Indiana Gasification is expected to produce synthetic gas for about $6.60 per dekatherm, while natural gas prices are currently below $3. For this it wants a tax credit.
Southeast Ohio Scrambles to Get Ready for Fracking Boomnew

In Ohio's Athens County, the issue of "fracking" for oil and gas just keeps on getting hotter.
The Athens NEWS |
David DeWitt |
03-05-2012 |
Cost of Electricity is Devastating Eastern North Carolinanew

Residential customers of North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency pay an average of 13.6 cents per kilowatt hour; the state average is 9.9 cents.
Bit O' Honeynew

Turns out oil and gas drilling could mean big bucks for local schools and governments.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Pam Zubeck |
02-16-2012 |