AltWeeklies Wire
The Swagalicious Life of Mall Guynew

Behind the LED Belt and Colorful Shirts of One of Cleveland's Most Visible Characters
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
11-06-2013 |
The Mumblegore Revolutionnew

Meet the smart young misfits who are revolutionizing indie horror movies.
L.A. Weekly |
Amy Nicholson |
10-24-2013 |
Tags: Indie Horror Movies
The Last Ride of a Cleveland Hells Angel Informantnew

A path from destruction to redemption and back, and a family's trouble with witness protection.
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
10-09-2013 |
Wreck-It Ralphnew

How Ralph Nader became D.C. libraries’ biggest headache (and pissed off a whole neighborhood).
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Wiener |
10-07-2013 |
Tags: Ralph Nader
Dispatches from Killadelphianew

Despite the efforts of thousands of pastors, cops, reformed gangsters, concerned parents and politicians, Philadelphia is consistently among the most violent big cities in a country with the highest murder rate of any wealthy nation on earth.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Daniel Denvir, Samantha Melamed and Eric Schneider |
09-30-2013 |
The Millionaire Panhandlernew

Separating the facts from the myths surrounding panhandling.
The Portland Mercury |
Joe Streckert |
09-26-2013 |
Tags: panhandling
Missing: The Long Lost Case of Christina Adkinsnew

A crowd of craned necks and reporter's notebooks was gathering Aug. 30 at the corner of Vega Avenue and the brick-lined alley of West 26th Place after FBI sources announced a search for human remains was under way. This sort of congregation had become routine during the summer of 2013, the questions always teetering on the brink of tragic discovery...
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
09-19-2013 |
A Higher Ordernew

Monterey County Weekly is seeking full disclosure of documents in the case of Edward Fitz-Henry, a Catholic priest accused – but never convicted – of child molestation.
Monterey County Weekly |
Mary Duan and Sara Rubin |
09-12-2013 |
The Last Ride of the Legendary Storm Chasernew

He had an uncanny knack for finding tornadoes. Then one found him.
Dallas Observer |
Brantley Hargrove |
08-30-2013 |
Tags: Storm Chasers, Tim Samaras
The Bypassnew

Albemarle County's three-decade fight over the Western Bypass isn’t over yet.
C-Ville Weekly |
Graelyn Brashear |
08-28-2013 |
Yarnell Hill Fire: Hotshots Should Not Have Been Deployednew

Increasing evidence reveals that reasons far from supernatural contributed to the tragic deaths of 19 of the 20 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots.
Phoenix New Times |
John Dougherty |
08-26-2013 |
Michael Hastings' Dangerous Mindnew

Journalistic star was loved, feared and haunted.
L.A. Weekly |
Gene Maddaus |
08-21-2013 |
Tags: Michael Hastings
The Gang War That Wasn'tnew

The murder of a young man lit the fuse of a longstanding conflict, but a remarkable peace arrived instead.
The Village Voice |
Albert Samaha |
08-08-2013 |
Swords Into Plowsharesnew
Veterans are putting down their guns and taking up farming.
Dallas Observer |
Lauren Drewes Daniels |
08-06-2013 |
Tags: War Veterans