AltWeeklies Wire
School Districts Report Upswing in Homeless Studentsnew

Kristina Martinez is well dressed, articulate, and passionate about her chosen profession. As a newly minted teacher with a certificate in special education from Texas A&M University - San Antonio, she had high hopes for herself and her daughter, now eight years old.
San Antonio Current |
Scott Andrews |
11-23-2011 |
Tags: Homelessness, Homeless Students
San Antonio Mulls Restrictions on Homeless Residentsnew

Over the past month, San Antonio's City Council, with prodding from fed-up downtown business owners and residents, has eyed stricter so-called panhandling laws, designed to crack down on aggressive solicitation.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
11-09-2011 |
Tags: Homelessness
Cruelest Cutsnew

Plans to gut mental health spending in Texas will not only destroy lives, but overwhelm jails, emergency rooms, and taxpayers’ wallets.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
03-25-2011 |