AltWeeklies Wire

The Geek Curenew

Portland has the perfect opportunity to lead open-source computing and transform American health care. Will it work?
Willamette Week  |  Aaron Mesh  |  08-23-2010  |  Science

Life and Death in Washingtonnew

Call it "death with dignity" or "assisted suicide," Washington preps for Initiative 1000 -- with Oregon's help.
Willamette Week  |  Paula L. Stepankowsky  |  08-27-2008  |  Science

An Internet Campaign Against Camel Cigs Goes Nationalnew

Jenny Decker has been infiltrating parties and concerts sponsored by R.J. Reynolds around Portland, gathering free trinkets and promotional products in hopes of exposing how R.J. Reynolds does guerrilla marketing to entice young women to smoke. Her humble MySpace page has now turned into a nationally recognized campaign that anti-tobacco experts say is accomplishing that goal.
Willamette Week  |  Shefali Kulkarni  |  04-09-2008  |  Science

One Doc Reveals Big Pharma's 'Dirty Little Secret'new

In January, Erick Turner published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine that revealed antidepressants are not as effective as we've been led to believe. For years, he implied, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Forest Laboratories have vastly exaggerated the performance of their drugs.
Willamette Week  |  Philip Dawdy  |  04-02-2008  |  Science

OHSU Pits Saving Money Against Saving Livesnew

The crucial services Russell Street Dental Clinic has provided HIV-positive Portlanders and other high-needs and low-income residents for 30 years are now threatened by Oregon Health&Science University’s reaction to a Dec. 28 decision by the Oregon Supreme Court.
Willamette Week  |  Beth Slovic  |  02-06-2008  |  Science

Oregon Has a Trio of Investigations into Big Pharmanew

But legislators say the Justice Department blocked a better solution.
Willamette Week  |  Miriam Widman  |  10-03-2007  |  Science

Does the Kid Have ADD or Psychic Powers?new

Psychologists say 16-year-old Brian Scibetta has ADD -- New Age spiritualists say he's an Indigo Child with psychic powers.
Willamette Week  |  Beth Slovic  |  08-22-2007  |  Science

A Naturopathic Casualtynew

Out-of-court settlement resolves what's believed to be Oregon's first naturopath-caused death.
Willamette Week  |  James Pitkin  |  05-30-2007  |  Science

House Dividednew

Oregon's legislature wrestles with evictions in rehab group homes.
Willamette Week  |  Julie Sabatier  |  02-15-2007  |  Science

All Meth-ed Upnew

A new national study debunks the meth "epidemic."
Willamette Week  |  Angela Valdez  |  06-21-2006  |  Science

Money Machinenew

Is your doctor sending you for an MRI because you need one -- or because he needs the cash?
Willamette Week  |  Nigel Jaquiss  |  06-07-2006  |  Science

A Taste For His Own Medicinenew

Dr. William Newton admits he took drugs from his own patient, but he's still in business.
Willamette Week  |  Angela Valdez  |  02-15-2006  |  Science

Curing Jamie Handleynew

One Portland, Ore., family pushes a fix for the autism "epidemic."
Willamette Week  |  Angela Valdez  |  10-13-2005  |  Science

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