AltWeeklies Wire

A Massive Free Clinic Takes the Pulse of Health Care in Americanew

Familiar rhetoric: "We have the best health care in the world!" Anyone who has actually said that in the last year is probably not at Bartle Hall December 10. The weather hasn't kept away a couple of thousand people who need help. It has just made it harder for some to get here.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  12-22-2009  |  Science

In Rejecting Real Health Care Reform, Businesses Don't Know What's Good for Themnew

"The system sucks! Save the system!" That, in six words, pretty much sums up what Chamber of Commerce types are contributing to the health-care debate. I'm exaggerating but only a little.
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  08-11-2009  |  Science

On HIV, Some Black Ministers Are Admitting that Silence Equals Deathnew

The Good Samaritan Project Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS in Kansas City hopes to fight infections in a city where the HIV infection rate rivals Africa's.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  06-03-2008  |  Science

A Biologist Exposes the Dangers of bisphenol A and Earns the Wrath of the Plastic Industrynew

Missouri biologist Frederick vom Saal's willingness to speak frankly about his findings is alarming to the top five makers of bisphenol A: Dow Chemical, Bayer Material Science, Sunoco Chemicals, SABIC Innovative Plastics and Hexion Specialty Chemicals. And now, after years of quietly publishing studies in scientific journals and presenting papers at toxicological conventions, he is starting to be heard.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  04-29-2008  |  Science

Sicko Juniornew

Kidney cancer killed Julie Pierce's husband -- now she fears it will claim her 15-year-old son.
The Pitch  |  Justin Kendall  |  08-14-2007  |  Science

What Can We Learn from Traditional Healers and Indigenous Plants?new

In the fight against AIDS, a professor pays a visit to some African witch doctors.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  03-20-2007  |  Science

The Power of Half a Brainnew

To live relatively normal lives, these children must give up something most of us can't imagine.
The Pitch  |  Carolyn Szczepanski  |  03-06-2007  |  Science

Jay's Anatomynew

At their free clinic, young medical students just keep putting band-aids on a bleeding health care system.
The Pitch  |  Carolyn Szczepanski  |  09-19-2006  |  Science

High Above the Lawnew

She has cerebral palsy, four kids and loads of debt -- meet the unofficial spokeswoman for marijuana legalization.
The Pitch  |  Eric Barton  |  06-13-2006  |  Science Cuts to the Heart of High School Darknessnew software has become the blogging system of choice for the underage. On hyperpersonalized Web pages, teens obsess about suicide and sex and take the opportunity to harass each other.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  04-08-2005  |  Science

City Taxpayers Asked to Come to Hospital's Aidnew

Kansas City, Mo., Mayor Kay Barnes and other officials are pushing for a property-tax increase to help fund emergency health care for the uninsured.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  03-22-2005  |  Science

Attack on Evolution Is Well-Coordinatednew

Bloggers reveal that campaign contributions have flowed from anti-evolution, "intelligent design" proponents to conservative Kansas City school board members.
The Pitch  |  Tony Ortega  |  03-22-2005  |  Science

Meet Dr. Hydrogennew

Roger Billings is an affable 57-year-old who holds many patents, on things from hydrogen devices to computer networking gadgets and Ethernet technology. But his biggest and most fascinating invention may be his own persona.
The Pitch  |  Allie Johnson  |  01-26-2005  |  Science

Doc Offers Miracle in a Bottlenew

Dr. Edward McDonagh has been fighting Missouri’s medical establishment for years to defend his practice of treating all kinds of maladies with chelation therapy, which removes potentially harmful metals from the bloodstream.
The Pitch  |  Ben Paynter  |  11-30-2004  |  Science

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