AltWeeklies Wire
Health-Care Practitioners Explain Why They're Willing to Go to Jail for Health-Care Reformnew
As the discussion about health care has shifted from coverage for all citizens to a system that will force people to purchase private health insurance (without the "public option") pockets of unlikely activists are mobilizing.
Baltimore City Paper |
Erin Sullivan |
02-09-2010 |
Parasite City: A Gnawing Bed Bug Problem Grows in Southeast Baltimorenew
People whose homes have been infested say they have noticed a pattern: Spanish-speaking immigrants rent a rowhouse, and soon it becomes overcrowded. Mattresses are discarded on the street, leaning against fences or in areaways. Then neighboring homes are infested with bed bugs.
Baltimore City Paper |
Edward Ericson Jr. |
07-07-2009 |
Raw Dealnew

Notes from the Amish dairy underground.
Baltimore City Paper |
Michelle Gienow |
03-07-2007 |
More Than Meets the Eyenew
We speak with the creators of iBraille.
Baltimore City Paper |
Violet Glaze |
08-23-2006 |
Tags: Health & Science
Smoke Breaknew

A cartoonist reflects on the monkey on her back.
Baltimore City Paper |
Emily Flake |
03-08-2006 |
Tags: Health & Science
An Interview with a Vampirenew
LA. Judge, administrator of the Vampire Church and editor of VC Magazine, says vampirism is an often misdiagnosed affliction of severe energy deficiency.
Baltimore City Paper |
Violet Glaze |
08-31-2005 |
Weight-Loss Surgery Can Be a Lose-Lose Situationnew
The mortality rate for obese patients who have bariatric surgery may be much greater than thought.
Baltimore City Paper |
Edward Ericson Jr. |
12-01-2004 |
Ghosts in the Machines: Online Selves Don't Dienew
Few people make it known how their online presence should be handled after death, nor how their virtual friends should be notified. On the Web, oceans of data are being left behind by the dead.
Baltimore City Paper |
Ryan Boddy |
08-11-2004 |
Bioterrorism Act Puts Fear into Medical Researchersnew
A Texas Tech infectious disease expert faced multiple federal charges after carrying vials of bubonic plague into the country. The new Bioterrorism Act makes some scientists wonder how they'll continue their research.
Baltimore City Paper |
Rebecca Alvania |
08-07-2004 |