AltWeeklies Wire
Tea Bag Schwagnew
There was a big Tea Party thing in Buffalo this morning. Three tour buses, and lots of angry white people. If you missed it, you missed your chance to get neato T-shirts and stickers that can proclaim your anger to everyone.
Tags: Tea Party
Congressman Brian Higgins Makes the Case for the Health Care Reform Billnew

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled the Democrats' 1,900-page reform bill, Higgins was one among those Democrats who jumped out front to defend the proposal against relentless Republican opposition.
Old Networks vs. New in the Democratic Primarynew
We used to call them Reagan Democrats. Nowadays the national media have taken to calling them the "white working class." In the South, they're called Bubba. In 2008, they are the key to victory.
Ralph Nader On the Decision to Run for President Againnew

"I was looking at my position papers from '04, and almost without exception everything is worse," says Nader, whose long career as a consumer rights advocate is now overshadowed by his runs for the presidency in 2000 and 2004.
Election '08: He Said, She Said ... And Who Else Said?new
I doubt that the Clinton-Obama fight over footnotes will work as it did 20 years ago, when quotations-without-attribution turned into accusations of plagiarism and ended Joe Biden's presidential candidacy.
Following the Moneynew
It is shaping up to be an expensive election season in Western New York, in large part because the open race for county executive is drawing out big donors -- we break down the haves, the have-nots, and others.
Is Giuliani Worse Than Bush?new
After 9/11, a hero-seeking media dubbed Rudy "America's mayor" -- but before that, his constituents were more likely to describe him as a fascist. Which is closer to the truth?
Ralph Nader: An Unreasonable Man?new
Public Citizen #1 -- subject of a new documentary and author of a new book about his childhood -- talks about 2008, his past campaigns and the state of activism in the US today.
A Congressman Abroadnew
Congressman Brian Higgins discusses our dependence on foreign oil, explains the votes for which he is most often criticized by the left and describes how he imagines the Iraq War will be resolved.
His Great Statenew
Artvoice collects Eliot Spitzer's promises to Western New York, to keep score when he becomes the state's next governor.
Three Men in a Roomnew
A former state senator reveals Albany's dysfunctions in a new book.
How Ahmed Chalabi Started the War in Iraq
George W. Bush was willing to be happily towed along by the neo-conservatives in his administration. They were eager to embrace former CIA asset Ahmed Chalabi, who used them even more than they used him.