AltWeeklies Wire

Is Lindsey Graham Gay?new

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham's angry, irritated defense of the 17-year Congressional ban on out gay service members has renewed attention on what's in his closet.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  12-27-2010  |  Politics

Proposals in S.C. To Ban Sexting, Spanish, Caffeinated Drunksnew

Before the starting gun fires in January for the next legislative session, legislators are stretching their muscles with bills either ready for a marathon run to the finish line or a fruitless trot around the track.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  12-21-2010  |  Politics

South Carolina Accidentally Bans Beer At Festivalsnew

Legislators will have to work swiftly next month to fix an unintended ban on temporary alcohol licenses for festivals and special events.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  12-14-2010  |  Politics

Repeal of Military's Gay Ban Coming In Either Two Weeks Or Two Yearsnew

Recent GOP victories and new survey findings on gays in the military have each altered the timetable for repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. The ban on gays serving openly will either end in the next two weeks or it will sit in legislative limbo for at least the next two years.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  12-07-2010  |  Politics

Alvin Greene Unveils Comic Booknew

Unlikely U.S. Senate candidate Alvin Greene didn't find a place in Washington on Election Day, but the Democrat may have a new career in the funny pages. In the days leading up to the election, Greene unveiled five pages of a proposed comic titled Alvin Greene: The Ultimate Warrior.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  11-10-2010  |  Politics

Clyburn Hitting The Airwaves This Weeknew

After years of relatively quiet campaigning, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn is going on TV and radio this week. Clyburn says he isn't getting on the airwaves over concern for his re-election.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-18-2010  |  Politics

Will Folks Releases Affidavit Detailing Alleged Nikki Haley Affairnew

In an affidavit released this afternoon by FITSNews' Will Folks, the controversial blogger and one-time spokesman for Gov. Mark Sanford provides new details about his claims that he had an "inappropriate physical relationship" with GOP gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  10-14-2010  |  Politics

Write-In Candidate Spices Up S.C. Senate Racenew

Promising to "bring home the bacon," celebrity chef and Charleston resident Nathalie Dupree has thrown her chef's hat into the ring for U.S. Senate.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  10-01-2010  |  Politics

S.C. Attorney General Race is Between the Far Right and the Kinda Rightnew

It would appear that people just aren't in the market right now for a lawyer. Alan Wilson, the GOP nominee for the state's attorney general, is spending time on the campaign trail talking about creating jobs.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  09-29-2010  |  Politics

Influential Republicans Turn Against Nikki Haleynew

In what might be an unprecedented move, three South Carolina GOP movers and shakers go public with their concerns about their party's gubernatorial nominee, Nikki Haley.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  09-24-2010  |  Politics

Port at Center of Earmark Stormnew

Riding a nationwide wave of support, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is seen by many fiscal and social conservatives as the next GOP Senate leader and/or a dark horse candidate in the Republicans' 2012 presidential horse race.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  09-15-2010  |  Politics

WaPo Online Poll: DeMint in 2012?new

Today's daily poll from the Washington Post political blog asks what Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is after with all of these high-profile endorsements?
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  09-13-2010  |  Politics

Hannity is Irked by Tea Partiersnew

Sean Hannity has nothing but disdain for the Tea Party's No. 1 goal: to vote all the bums out, Democrat and Republican alike. Hannity wants to keep those bums in power, as long as they're members of the GOP and their last name isn't Paul.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  04-14-2010  |  Politics

Consultants Aid City Council Candidates: Winners Paid Thousands for Helpnew

In a run off for a seat on Charleston City Council, Ginger Rosenberg spent $2,146 — most of it went to stamps and FedExKinkos. Her opponent, Dean Riegel, spent $3,600 — all of it to consultants. Guess who won.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-17-2010  |  Politics

New Symbols of Fortune and Doom in South Carolina Politicsnew

There are historical symbols of good and bad luck, from the albatross to the lucky thong, but the past year has offered a handful of new trinkets that spell either good fortune or doom for South Carolina politicians.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-10-2010  |  Politics

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