AltWeeklies Wire

Losing Democracynew

Redistricting helped the GOP win the House, and it almost caused the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  01-03-2013  |  Politics

Ohio Democrats say Kasich, Mandel are blowing off records requestsnew

The Ohio Democratic Party sued Ohio Gov. John Kasich Aug. 14, alleging that he failed to comply with Ohio’s open records law because he sent the party redacted documents.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Andy Brownfield  |  08-22-2012  |  Politics

Obama Campaign is Targeting Ohio's Reddest Countiesnew

The Democrats hopes to win the swing state by chipping away at Republican strongholds in Butler, Clermont and Warren counties.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Steve Rosen  |  10-24-2008  |  Politics

Too Good for Us?new

Ken Blackwell is well known for his role in election day shenanigans that pushed Ohio into George Bush's win column in 2004 -- what's not so well known about the right-wing ideologue now running for Ohio governor is his early years as a liberal activist and a third-party mayor of Cincinnati.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Lew Moores  |  08-21-2006  |  Politics

Making Bush the Issuenew

Throughout a debate, Iraq veteran and Democrat Paul Hackett attacked George W. Bush aggressively while Republican Jean Schmidt championed the administration's policies. The two are competing for Ohio's 2nd Congressional District.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Ann Driscoll  |  07-28-2005  |  Politics

Cheeseburgers and Paradise Won Ohionew

Ohio turned out to be the swing state everyone predicted, and President Bush's narrow victory here pushed him to re-election. John Kerry won all the major cities in Ohio, yet the suburban and rural vote trumped him.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Stephanie Dunlap  |  11-10-2004  |  Politics

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