AltWeeklies Wire
Hash Oil: Medicinal, or Solvent-Laden Scare?new

Can you use hash oil medicinally?
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
02-28-2013 |
Tags: hash oil medicinal
Is Your Weed Covered?new

Will your health insurance cover medical marijuana?
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
02-15-2013 |
California Pot RX: Legal in MA?new

Will dispensaries in Massachusetts accept a medical-marijuana card from California?
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
02-07-2013 |
Flying High?new

Will you be able to take your medical marijuana across state lines? Your burning questions, answered.
Boston Phoenix |
Valerie Vande Panne |
01-31-2013 |
The DNC on LSDnew

Years ago, a writer friend explained how he always found that the best way to glimpse a conservative's soul, or lack thereof, is with a noggin full of LSD. He didn't mention what I might find around comparably obsessed lefties, though, so I set out to do some soul searching of my own.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
09-07-2012 |
Tags: LSD
The Secret Life of a Charlestown Drug Dealernew
Hickey flipped for the Feds — and lived to make a movie about it.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
02-07-2011 |
Weed Picking Up Speed?new
Another step forward has been taken on the road towards decriminalization of marijuana.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
07-09-2009 |
With Support from the Unlikeliest Circles, This Could Be Marijuana's Momentnew

The fight to legalize marijuana is burning up like never before -- but some advocates warn that if it doesn't happen soon, it may never happen at all.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
05-29-2009 |
Pot Reform Backlash in Massachusettsnew

Since the state's 2008 ballot initiative lowering penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana passed resoundingly, local law enforcement has been scrambling for unofficial overrides.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Farone |
01-30-2009 |
Another DEA 'No' for Medical Marijuananew
As the Bush administration sputters to its end, the DEA has taken a parting shot against science.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
01-16-2009 |
A Battle of the Bong in Massachusettsnew
As the state's fiercest civic power brokers are quickly finding out, the war over Question 2 is not your typical suits vs. stoners scrum.
Boston Phoenix |
Chris Faraone |
09-25-2008 |
Canada's Most Picturesque Province is Also the Center of an Underground Pot Explosionnew

Prince Edward Island is still largely a bastion of clean-cut, yesteryear values. A number of island communities remain defiantly dry. But it is also home to a thriving cottage industry that includes both indoor hydroponic pot production, and a more daring coterie of growers who take advantage of the island's perfect summer climate and endless fields of spuds, soybeans, and corn to pursue small-scale cultivation en plein air.
Boston Phoenix |
Alan R. Earls |
08-14-2008 |
Will Psychedelic Drug Research Return to Harvard?new

Harvard has shied away from psychedelic drug research since they expunged Tim Leary and Baba Ram Dass for LSD abuse back in 1963. Now Dr. John Halpern is making his bid to bring hallucinogens back to campus.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Berbergal |
05-29-2008 |
Massachusetts Lawmakers Push to Criminalize Salvianew

Is this a test-run for marijuana-law reform?
Boston Phoenix |
James Tierney |
04-24-2008 |
The DEA's Bad-Faith War on Pain Doctorsnew

Drug-enforcement authorities have offer physicians little guidance, yet every year, the feds prosecute a handful of pain specialists for over-prescribing.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey Silverglate |
09-27-2007 |
Tags: Drugs