AltWeeklies Wire
How to Take Your Landlord to Courtnew

If certain professions are dirtbag magnets, then the field of landlording must be a black hole of scumminess. But fear not, gentle renter: That lease you signed is a contract, and if the landlord isn't holding up his end of the deal, you can take his slummy behind to magistrates' court.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
12-30-2011 |
Housing & Development
Tough Titties: Lowry Beall Stares Down Breast Cancernew
At 27 she found a lump. At 29 she had a bilateral mastectomy. At 30 she's trying her damnedest to be a badass cancer survivor.
Charleston City Paper |
Stephanie Barna |
10-07-2009 |
Housing & Development
Nonprofits Working Hard as S.C. Legislator Weighs Tent-City Approachnew

South Carolina Rep. Wendell Gilliard has introduced legislation in the Statehouse that would study how the recession has increased the state's homeless population, and he's proposing state-funded tents for those who may be turned away when shelters reach capacity.
Charleston City Paper |
Cara Kelly |
04-15-2009 |
Housing & Development
Tomorrow's Charleston Today: Large Developments Press Onnew
You may be second-guessing that new patio in these tough economic times, but several major Charleston developments announced in the run-up to the financial wipeout are putting the nail to hammer and pressing forward through the crisis, hoping to be on the board the moment the economic wave regains its strength.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
02-11-2009 |
Housing & Development