AltWeeklies Wire
City Hounds the Homeless For Dog Licensesnew
According to Chief George Gascón, the Police Department has flooded upper Haight Street with cops assigned to write tickets for so-called "quality of life" violations, such as off-leash or tagless dogs, jaywalking, and other minor offenses.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
01-27-2010 |
Housing & Development
Nurses' Union Joins Antidevelopment Forces to Prevent a New Hospital from Being Builtnew
There's something to be said for exploiting the process of issuing building permits for squeezing public amenities like parks from companies. But in San Francisco, participants in these sorts of tactics sometimes lose sight of all that's at stake.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
02-04-2009 |
Housing & Development
Hope, Change, and Parking: Support for a Modest Condo Project in San Francisconew
San Francisco faces a life-or-death question: Are we willing to behave like a dynamic city and grow, or even flourish? The debate over the Valencia Street project serves as an indicator as to how the city might answer that question.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
01-21-2009 |
Housing & Development
How Renters Work the System to Live for Free in a Very Expensive Citynew
Depending on the vigilance of the landlord, a seasoned serial evictee like John Getzow can get away with a minimum of 45 days and sometimes up to a year of free rent. The actual number of serial evictees operating in San Francisco is difficult to track, but some attorneys who specialize in representing landlords estimate there are between 20 and 100.
SF Weekly |
John Geluardi |
07-31-2008 |
Housing & Development
San Francisco's Vice Hotelnew
One of the largest city-funded Care Not Cash hotels was allegedly run as a home for extortion, drug dealing, and other vices.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
10-10-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Taking Aim at VA Medical Center Expansionnew
Angered by what it calls a stealth attempt by the VA to greatly expand medical research amid spectacular parkland of the Golden Gate headlands, residents have filed a lawsuit to block those plans.
SF Weekly |
Ron Russell |
04-05-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
(Don't) Bite Menew
Tenants at a Skid Row residential hotel owned by the nonprofit charity Mercy Housing California recently filed suit, claiming the place was beset by an "infestation of vermin, rodents, roaches, and insects."
SF Weekly |
A.C. Thompson |
01-12-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
What Lies Beneathnew
Brain and stomach cancer ... asthma and bronchitis ... miscarriages and stillbirths -- all are health problems suffered by residents of a Bay Area housing project. So why won't authorities close it down?
SF Weekly |
Martin Kuz |
12-22-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Rent to Evictnew
For years, many low-income renters called the building their home -- until a developer, who told the government it would be affordable, raised the rents.
SF Weekly |
A.C. Thompson |
11-09-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Off of Site, Out of Mindnew
A preacher and S.F. developers promised 20 affordable town homes by Christmas 2003 -- many families are still waiting.
SF Weekly |
Ryan Blitstein |
07-17-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Back to the Futurenew
City supervisors should dump the moratorium and allow apartments for the homeless to be built in San Francisco.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
05-26-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Pouring Money Down a Holenew
A new audit shows how a PGA tournament sucked millions of dollars from San Francisco parks.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
01-30-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Unintended Evictionsnew
An attempted solution to rental evictions may actually force more people out of rent-controlled apartments in an already tight San Francisco housing market.
SF Weekly |
Matt Smith |
01-23-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: rent control, tenancies in common