AltWeeklies Wire

License to Drivenew

A proposal for a new taxicab company highlights concerns about Missoula, Montana's existing service and the state's conflicting regulatory process.
Missoula Independent  |  John S. Adams  |  05-18-2007  |  Transportation

Selling the Status Symbol?new

In spite of record gas prices, SUVs are still popular with Sacramento drivers.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Luke Gianni  |  05-17-2007  |  Transportation

San Francisco's Stationary Bikingnew

Bike to Work Day creates new cyclists, but the city still can't make them safer.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  05-16-2007  |  Transportation

Air Guitar Heros: Delta Allows Carry-onsnew

Instrument cases sized for guitars and violins are A-OK for the overhead bin.
Metro Times  |  Wendy Case  |  05-08-2007  |  Transportation

Park Places: Parkitecture in Detroitnew

Where we put our cars, and why it matters.
Metro Times  |  Jerry Herron  |  05-08-2007  |  Transportation

Toll Road to Ruinnew

­Orange County’s bumbling Transportation Corridor Agencies wants to borrow $4.7 billion more.
OC Weekly  |  R. Scott Moxley  |  05-08-2007  |  Transportation

Take the Car Keysnew

Is it possible to exist in Orlando without a car?
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  04-23-2007  |  Transportation

It's a Solution to Environmental & Transportation Problemsnew

So why isn't Gov. Schwarzenegger supporting high-speed rail in California?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  04-18-2007  |  Transportation

Bikes Just Get Betternew

Developing technologies are making tires more durable and frames lighter then ever.
NOW Magazine  |  Joseph Wilson  |  04-13-2007  |  Transportation

The NOW Commuter Challengenew

Bike, car or public transit -- which way is really the better way? Three staffers take the challenge and find out.
NOW Magazine  |  Stephen Chester, Susan G. Cole and Evan Davies  |  04-13-2007  |  Transportation

Driving the Futurenew

Biogas rises but hydrogen sinks as big automakers muscle into alternative car technologies at the Alternative Fuels & Vehicles National Conference and Expo.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Marc B. Haefele  |  04-13-2007  |  Transportation

Why Don't More Santa Feans Take the Bus?new

I spent hours on the bus talking to others who live car-free or car-lite, while at the same time querying those who don't to find out how to get more of us on the bus.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Nicole Blouin  |  04-12-2007  |  Transportation

Dividing Linenew

Does a streetcar on one of the city's most congested streets make sense?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Mara Shalhoup  |  04-05-2007  |  Transportation

L.A.'s Public Transit Users Face a Bumpy Roadnew

As riders face steep rate hikes, the MTA, Gov. Schwarzenegger, and local cities wrestle over threatened public transportation funds.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Dan Abendschein  |  03-30-2007  |  Transportation

Rail Roadednew

Finding a solution to I-70 traffic has been one long, strange trip -- but the end could be in sight.
Westword  |  Jessica Centers  |  03-19-2007  |  Transportation

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