AltWeeklies Wire

'You may want to go home' – for the last time evernew

I’m throwing clothing, books, electronics and everything else wildly about in my apartment, not caring where any of it lands except for what I most treasure. Minutes ago the building was declared uninhabitable due to climate change damage and we have two hours to evacuate.
Icepeople  |  Mark Sabbatini  |  02-19-2016  |  Disasters

Tourists Flocking to Avalanche Wreckage Leaves Some Residents Coldnew

Espen Rotevatn is grateful he can still go to his undamaged home, just below 11 others destroyed by last month’s avalanche, at the end of the day. He just wishes visitors weren’t there with cameras expecting him to play the role of tour guide.
Icepeople  |  Mark Sabbatini  |  02-01-2016  |  Disasters

Is someone to blame? Longyearbyen ignores two decades of warnings before devastating avalanchenew

The catastrophe that permanently scarred Longyearbyen occurred within seconds. But there was at least 23 years to heed warnings and take actions that might have prevented the tragedy. Many are now asking why almost nothing was done.
Icepeople  |  Mark Sabbatini  |  01-20-2016  |  Disasters

The Katrina Education Lienew

Among the many reflections on the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, the discussion of its effects on schools in New Orleans may be the most disingenuous.
Jackson Free Press  |  Shannon Eubanks  |  09-11-2015  |  Disasters

Donations for Wildfire Relief Went to Plug Tourismnew

In early 2014, the Red Cross gave $50,000 of money designated to help with 2012 Colorado wildfires to the Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau. The grant first came to light in late October, when $10,000 of it was used to pay for a Manitou fireworks display.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Robert Meyerowitz  |  11-20-2014  |  Disasters

On the Path of the Tornadonew

Surveying the damage in Mayflower and Vilonia, Ark.
Arkansas Times  |  David Koon  |  05-02-2014  |  Disasters

Into the Firenew

Residents of Pfeiffer Ridge in Big Sur woke just before midnight Sunday to a wall of flames. Within hours, more than 20 homes—including those of Martha Karstens, chief of the Big Sur Volunteer Fire Brigade—were destroyed.
Monterey County Weekly  |  David Schmalz and Mark C. Anderson  |  12-20-2013  |  Disasters

Reporter's Notebook:Life in the Philippines, Post-Typhoonnew

Monterey County Weekly reporter Arvin Temkar was in the Philippines when Typhoon Haiyan hit. He writes about the experience of life for the average Filipino post-typhoon, and how people are existing with a mixture of resiliancy and despair.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Arvin Temkar  |  11-20-2013  |  Disasters

Colo. Trails Remain Closed After Floodingnew

The city estimates its damages to parks and trails at $6.5 million, and it's seeking federal help
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  09-25-2013  |  Disasters

Massive floods sweep Coloradonew

As of press time Tuesday, at least eight people had perished in floods that paralyzed much of Colorado during days of massive rain storms.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  09-18-2013  |  Disasters

Blazing Fastnew

How firefighters applied Waldo Canyon Fire lessons to the Black Forest tragedy.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Pam Zubeck  |  06-20-2013  |  Disasters

Terror: Then and Nownew

"What the fuck is going on? Are you down there?"
Dig Boston  |  Chris Faraone  |  04-16-2013  |  Disasters

It wasn't all

Strengths (and weaknesses) following the Waldo Canyon Fire
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Pam Zubeck  |  04-10-2013  |  Disasters

'Irreparable harm'new

Why BP is trying to undo a claims settlement it negotiated last year
Gambit  |  Charles Maldonado  |  04-07-2013  |  Disasters

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