AltWeeklies Wire
Unhappy Returnsnew

Zombies enliven Colorado Springs in a new adventure book with an '80s twist.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Kirsten Akens |
11-24-2010 |
Jindal on Your Kindlenew

Gov. Bobby Jindal's memoir, Leadership and Crisis, will be released Nov. 15.
Crank That ATLnew

Atlanta: Hip-Hop and the South snaps the city's next generation of rappers.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Christina Lee |
11-09-2010 |
Mystery, Comedy and a Yellow Humveenew

Author Laura DiSilverio gets good reviews for her Colorado Springs-centric handling of Swift Justice.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Claire Swinford |
10-26-2010 |
Tags: Swift Justice
Mark Twain's Last Stuntnew

Suppressed for one hundred years, Autobiography of Mark Twain has become one of UC Berkeley's biggest literary events of all time.
East Bay Express |
David Downs |
10-20-2010 |
Extinction On Demand?new

Will print-on-demand technology save publishing or deliver its final death blow?
Baltimore City Paper |
Rachel Monroe |
09-20-2010 |
Tags: POD
Getting the Word Outnew

Authors take the initiative and choose to publish themselves
Palo Alto Weekly |
Carol Blitzer and Karla Kane |
08-09-2010 |
Tags: Self Publishing
'Citizen Soldier'
A National Guardsman writes about his year spent trying to train the Afghan National Army to fight the Taliban.
Syracuse New Times |
Molly English |
06-24-2010 |
Tags: Citizen Soldier, Molly English
Author Explores the Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canadanew
Mainstream-media reporters and columnists are largely unaware of the growing influence of the religious right in Canada, according to Marci McDonald, the author of a new book on the subject.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith |
05-24-2010 |
Book Excerpt: 'The Death of Josseline'new

The heartbreaking story of a 14-year old migrant girl--just one story from an amazing new book featuring dispatches from the U.S.-Mexico border.
Tucson Weekly |
Margaret Regan |
03-31-2010 |
Ai, Poet Extraordinaire, Diesnew
The poet Ai, whose work was astoundingly varied and consistently forceful, passed away last week from pneumonia. She was 62. Ai was born Florence Johnson but changed her name to the Japanese word for love.
Weekly Alibi |
Erin Adair-Hodges |
03-30-2010 |
Dinner with Franny and Zooey: For Nicole Klosterman, Reading is Socialnew

Nicole Klosterman's read some books enough times to describe the plot-twists with photographic recall. She'll tell you what the characters ate, what music they listened to, when and why they had nervous breakdowns. Klosterman reads for pleasure and escape.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
03-24-2010 |
Highlights for the 2010 Festival of the Booknew
Trying to visit every event at the 16th annual Festival of the Book is a good way to get your eyes strained and your ankles sprained, so C-VILLE put together a guide of things that seemed worth doing. Don't be shy to visit for complete listings.
C-Ville Weekly |
Andrew Cedermark |
03-17-2010 |
'Creative Nonfiction' Begins Life Anew as a Quarterly Magazinenew
At the recent relaunch party for Pittsburgh-based literary journal Creative Nonfiction as a quarterly magazine, editor Lee Gutkind showed he hasn't forgotten old insults to the genre he's strived to popularize.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Bill O'Driscoll |
03-15-2010 |
The Brother of One of Pittsburgh's Most Famous Authors Speaks Out From Behind Barsnew
Robert Wideman's story is better known than most. His brother, John Edgar Wideman, is a nationally renowned author. The elder brother wrote a book about Robert's struggles, Brothers and Keepers, which won a National Book Critics Circle Award in 1984.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Matt Stroud |
03-15-2010 |