AltWeeklies Wire
Acting Governornew

Donning a stiff silver crown of Thundercat hair favored by Southern ladies of a certain age—writer Molly Ivins once referred to it as “Republican hair”—Taylor moves with Ann Richards' gait, cracks wise in her accent and delivers not just information about Richards, but the essence of her colorful personality.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
05-22-2013 |
David Dingwall Stuffs His Leopard-Skin Shorts and Shoots for the Starsnew

After a lifetime of starts and stalls, after all his preparation for a comeback, it's ironic that it's the brilliant comedy video White Boy that could transform this old-school Catskills crooner into a 21st century Internet star.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
09-21-2009 |
Kate Watson-Wallace Throws Dance Theater into Overdrive with 'Car'new

A 2007 Pew Fellow in choreography and director of one of the most anticipated shows of this year’s Live Arts Festival, Watson-Wallace became a rising star of modern dance by dropping out of school and discovering that Philadelphia is a cool place for a young, stubborn and broke-as-a-joke dancer to land.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
08-25-2008 |
Don Rickles Killsnew
If this interview is any indication, Don Rickles will slay 'em in Atlantic City.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Sara Kelly |
01-14-2008 |
Tags: performance
Sarah Silverman: Pretty Vacantnew
Silverman says she might float a sex tape with Jimmy Kimmel.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murphy |
11-05-2007 |
Tags: performance
Prepping For Fright Nightnew
It's 20 minutes till game time at "Terror Behind the Walls," the nationally ranked haunted house that raises about 60 percent of Eastern State Penitentiary's annual operating funds.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Emily Guendelsberger |
10-22-2007 |
Tags: performance
Philly Dance Fest Takes the First Stepnew
The day-long festival hopes to build on the success of TV dance shows.
Philadelphia Weekly |
J. Cooper Robb |
10-09-2007 |
Tags: dance
That's Ventertainment!new
Wilma the Ventertainer takes her dummy number on the road.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Avi Steinberg |
08-06-2007 |
Tags: performance
Video Killed the Improv Starnew
Secret Pants are using the Internet to find success and maybe even a TV show.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Jeffrey Barg |
01-29-2007 |
Tags: performance
Saget on Segernew

Two icons. Two similar-sounding names.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Brian McManus |
01-22-2007 |
Tags: performance
Rick Shticknew
Not every Santorum imitator can get laughs by pulling a plastic fetus out of a briefcase or delivering a stump speech in boxers.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Gwen Shaffer |
06-30-2006 |
Tags: performance