AltWeeklies Wire
Philly's Journalists Won't Return to 1989new
It wasn't difficult to see this coming: Brian Tierney's "Keep It Local" campaign to retain control of The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News apparently applies only to ownership -- not to the employees of those newspapers.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Joel Mathis |
10-05-2009 |
The Media Sucks: Sometimes, There Aren't Two Sides to a Debatenew
Isn't it the responsibility of the news to point out that one side is clearly out of their gourds, or at the very least trafficking in misinformation? When a news reporter tells me "we let you the listener decide," isn't that reporter pretty much abdicating his or her responsibility to educate and inform?
Philadelphia Weekly |
Brendan Skwire |
09-28-2009 |
Can Jim MacMillan's iPhone Save Journalism?new
MacMillan, who left the Daily News in September after 17 years, has transformed himself into a one–man band of Philadelphia journalism.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Joel Mathis |
01-13-2009 |
If Journalism is Dead, Then Why Am I Teaching it to Hundreds of College Students?new
The public may have turned against traditional media but it doesn't mean they don't want news and information. The challenge now is to figure out how to earn the money to generate the information, and discover the most efficient ways to deliver it. It's a new media world and, I would argue, the most inspiring time in history to be an aspiring journalist.
Philadelphia Weekly |
G.W. Miller III |
09-08-2008 |
How a High-gloss Mag About Mixtapes is Actually Making Itnew
Foundation was started by three street-smart guys with no publishing experience, no money and no distribution.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Kate Kilpatrick |
07-21-2008 |
'First City Review' Brings a Bit of Lit to Phillynew
If you think about Philadelphia the way some natives do, you might not think it's the best place to start a new literary magazine. But Michael Pollock, editor of the stellar new First City Review, out of Northern Liberties, thinks differently.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Liz Spikol |
07-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Multimedia Man David Carr Gives Us Some Urgent Advicenew
Carr was at the annual AAN convention in Philadelphia this weekend reminding alt–weeklies they can keep their ships afloat. He stressed the importance of multimedia as staff cutbacks, the uncertainty of profit and the uncharted push to the internet continue to challenge the industry.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Brian James Kirk |
06-10-2008 |
Is Emily Gould the New Journalism?new
The real question brought up by the publication of one girl's 8,000–word finger–flip to an ex–boyfriend in the New York Times Magazine goes like this: Because web traffic determines ad cost, is the distinction between good and popular collapsing?
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
06-03-2008 |
We Have Been Blessednew
AltWeeklies Award - Photography
Philadelphia Weekly |
Jeff Fusco |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"We Have a 2-Year-Old Daughter," "If You Get Shot, We'll Show Up," "Do We Not Bleed?"new
AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
Philadelphia Weekly |
Steve Volk |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"Targeting the Market," "A Snitch in Time," and "Moving Target"new
AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
Philadelphia Weekly |
Kia Gregory |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"Christmas Bush"new
AltWeeklies Award - Illustration
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tim Gough |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"Snowman Robot"new
AltWeeklies Award - Illustration
Philadelphia Weekly |
Justin DeGarmo |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"'Round About": "Faheem, We're Sorry," "Ghetto Fiction," "Blown Hopes"new
AltWeeklies Award - Column
Philadelphia Weekly |
Kia Gregory |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
The Dubliner: "Are Ye About?," "Twilight's Slow Burn," "Defacing Castles"new
AltWeeklies Award - Column
Philadelphia Weekly |
Katie Haegele |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media