AltWeeklies Wire
How Do I Become a Food Writer?new

A career in food writing was never as easy as it supposedly once was. And the challenges of pursuing such an occupation continue to be formidable.
The Village Voice |
Robert Sietsema |
08-03-2012 |
Tags: Food Writing
Long Live Hitchnew

Just a little Hitch, in the dark of the night, while we down a drink to Christopher Hitchens, a man with no equal.
The Village Voice |
Tony Ortega |
12-16-2011 |
Tags: Christopher Hitchens
Bloomberg and Kelly Bust the Pressnew

Their treatment during the Occupy Wall Street raid was a disgrace to this city’s history.
The Village Voice |
Nat Hentoff |
12-12-2011 |
Tags: Occupy Wall Street, #Occupy
Why Did Gawker Refuse to Run John Cook's Article on Scientology?new

Why didn't Gawker want a big, exclusive and original story, especially in light of its admitted struggles with a new redesign and stated thirst for unique and scandalous features?
The Village Voice |
Joe Coscarelli |
03-01-2011 |
Rightbloggers Denounce the Wealthy, Treasonous Schoolteachers of Wisconsinnew

The effort by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the Republican-led state legislature to deprive the state's teachers of collective bargaining rights was catnip to rightbloggers last week. This is because it involves two of their traditional objects of hatred: Unions and public education.
The Village Voice |
Roy Edroso |
02-22-2011 |
Nikki Finke vs. The Dailynew

Rupert Murdoch's new iPad newspaper, The Daily, claims to have a new exclusive: A photo of fearsome Hollywood blogger Nikki Finke.
The Village Voice |
Joe Coscarelli |
02-09-2011 |
WikiLeaks Betrayed by Amazon, Visa, Mastercard--and Worst of All, the Medianew

The outrageous behavior of Amazon, Visa, Mastercard and PayPal directed at WikiLeaks represents a much greater threat to America than any of the alleged security breaches from Julian Assange.
The Village Voice |
Michael Lacey |
12-14-2010 |
Who is the Media Person of the Year?new

An entire media panel opted to stay seated in a room in a building that may or may not have been on fire instead of getting up to leave. This media discussion going up in flames is a completely and utterly apt metaphor for something about the content and state of these kinds of discussions.
The Village Voice |
Foster Kamer |
12-07-2010 |
Who Is Howard Kurtz and Why Shouldn't You Care?new

Kurtz's move to The Daily Beast matches up exactly with his shtick: schlocky, celebrity friendly, high poses, low plays, spotlight-hungry news-as-brand-building.
The Village Voice |
Foster Kamer |
10-06-2010 |
The Washington Post Still Hates and Does Not "Get" The Internetnew

Washington Post reporter Mike Wise was just suspended for a month because he Tweeted out a "fake scoop."
The Village Voice |
Foster Kamer |
08-31-2010 |
Tags: Washington Post, Mike Wise
The Sad, Bullshit Story of Washington Post Blogger Dave Weigel's Resignationnew

Until earlier today, the Washington Post had a very popular, well-liked blogger named Dave Weigel. He handed in his resignation to the Post this afternoon. Why?
The Village Voice |
Foster Kamer |
06-25-2010 |
Tags: Washington Post, Dave Weigel
AltWeeklies Award - Web Site
The Village Voice |
Staff |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"Down in Front": "Crazy For You, But Not That Crazy," "Get Busy Living," "Spankmaster and Servant"new
AltWeeklies Award - Music Criticism
The Village Voice |
Rob Harvilla |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Press Clipsnew
AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
The Village Voice |
Sydney H. Schanberg |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
"Death by Dust"new
AltWeeklies Award - Investigative Reporting
The Village Voice |
Kristen Lombardi |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media