AltWeeklies Wire
Pension Politicsnew

Do pension investments violate state employees' free speech rights?
Santa Fe Reporter |
Justin Horwath |
08-02-2012 |
Policy Issues
Tags: Public Pensions
Simmering SOPAnew

Will a proposed law prevent piracy—or stifle free speech?
Santa Fe Reporter |
Joey Peters |
01-09-2012 |
Policy Issues
Classified Addsnew
SFR investigates the New Mexico component of the Washington Post's intelligence project.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Corey Pein |
07-28-2010 |
Policy Issues
Beating a Dead Morsenew
Two overriding factors describe the current state of telecommunications. The first is tremendous interconnectivity, allowing for an unprecedented level of information exchange, and attendant advances in media, health, science, activism and overall human understanding. The second factor is the stunning level of corporate control of this interconnectivity. In Santa Fe, we apparently misunderstand both.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Zane Fischer |
04-15-2010 |
Policy Issues
Tags: Julius Genachowski, FCC
Medical Marijuana Martyr Grinds New Mexico's Programnew
Epidemiologist and longtime pot grower Bernie Ellis has concluded that the policy makers in the New Mexico Department of Health are either uninformed or in passive opposition to the state's medical cannabis program.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Maassive |
06-04-2009 |
Policy Issues
When Lawmakers Tackle Webcams, It's Time to Watch Out!new

There is little question that New Mexico Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones has sparked one of the most robust debates of the current legislative cycle regarding the interstices of open government, emergent technology and the rules of decorum.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
02-12-2009 |
Policy Issues
The Citizen Muckraker's Guide to New Mexiconew
Only with the eyes of the nation invading the privacy of the government and corporate spheres can Americans ensure their democracy remains democratic. This manual reveals the data-capturing tools employed by investigators, bounty hunters, landmen and journalists.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
01-10-2008 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Critics Battle Over Power Plantnew
Controversy continues over a patch of desert that the Navajo Nation has set aside for a new coal-fired power plant.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Laura Paskus |
08-30-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Critics Question New Mexico's Medicaid Policiesnew
Gov. Bill Richardson has said a top goal is to ensure all New Mexico kids have health insurance -- but activists say a three-year-old program run by the state Human Services Department is undercutting that lofty goal.
Santa Fe Reporter |
David Alire Garcia |
05-03-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Homeless 101
Changes in federal law are changing the way schools think about homeless youth.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Nadra Kareem |
09-23-2004 |
Policy Issues