AltWeeklies Wire

Put This in Your Pipe: Democrats Running for Pa. Governor Support Marijuana Reformnew

Over the last six months, all Pennsylvania's Democrats running for governor have come out for at least some form of marijuana reform.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  03-26-2014  |  Policy Issues

Dueling Ideas on Gun Control in Harrisburg, PAnew

Last week, hundreds of people gathered inside the Capitol rotunda in Harrisburg to call for sensible gun laws, the same morning Republican Daryl Metcalfe introduced the "Right to Bear Arms in Pennsylvania Protection Act."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  01-31-2013  |  Policy Issues

How to Spot a Counterfeit (Legislative) Billnew

Pennsylvania Republicans have introduced yet another bill that purports to protect women's health that actually hurts it. This time, it's a bill to defund Planned Parenthood.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  06-13-2012  |  Policy Issues

Pa. Abortion Bill 732 is Bad Medicinenew

Journalist Steve Lopez once wrote that Philadelphia is a city without pretense in a state without shame—and that was long before Harrisburg legislators stooped low enough to exploit murdered babies to push a bill into law that would result in what critics call a “back-door ban” on abortion in Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  10-26-2011  |  Policy Issues

Reality Check: Pennsylvania's Rape Laws Perpetuate the Mythsnew

It’s easier to get away with sexual assault in Pennsylvania than anywhere else in U.S.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  06-22-2011  |  Policy Issues

Nation's Leading Pro-Marijuana Group Is Too White to Succeednew

Image is everything, and the absence of minorities within NORML has created the perception that the organization is primarily working to ensure that the white pot smokers of the world can get high without worry.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Michael Alan Goldberg  |  04-25-2011  |  Policy Issues

A Domestic Violence Refuge in Philadelphia Suffers a Big Hitnew

Last November, $296,268 reserved for Philadelphia's domestic violence shelter - 15 percent of its operating costs — was quietly carved out of the city budget, a cut that went mostly unnoticed in the midst of public outcry over libraries closing and a shortened Mummer’s parade.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  02-09-2009  |  Policy Issues

In Philly, All Bets Are Offnew

Casino development is delayed amid contradictory legislation.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Gwen Shaffer  |  06-11-2007  |  Policy Issues

Coming Attractions: Philadelphia In The Coming Yearnew

Philly could be on the brink of greatness -- if it invests in what’s next.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Staff  |  02-26-2007  |  Policy Issues

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