AltWeeklies Wire

Power Playnew

DREAMers score a win with Obama's immigration initiative, but the war is far from over.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  06-26-2012  |  Immigration

Slim Pickingsnew

A shortage of Mexican labor threatens Arizona farming.
Phoenix New Times  |  Monica Alonzo  |  08-26-2011  |  Immigration

An Opportunity to Stand Upnew

Village Voice Media is underwriting the cost of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona's forthcoming litigation against Senate Bill 1070, as well as two other immigration lawsuits.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Lacey  |  05-05-2010  |  Immigration

Activists Chain Themselves to Arizona Capitol to Protest Anti-Immigrant Billnew

Nine activists protesting state Senator Russell Pearce's anti-immigrant bill SB 1070 chained and locked themselves to the doors of the Arizona Capitol on Tuesday, forcing the Capitol Police to use bolt cutters to unchain the nine and arrest them for disorderly conduct.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  04-21-2010  |  Immigration

Thousands Die in the Arizona Desert as a Result of U.S. Border Policynew

No More Deaths had a couple of migrants in the camp's medical tent, but there was nothing unusual about that. Migrants often showed up at the camp seeking first aid, water or food, sometimes getting directed there by ranchers.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  03-02-2010  |  Immigration

Nothing is Sacred in the Wacked Legal World of Joe Arpaio and Andrew Thomasnew

Andrew Thomas and Joe Arpaio increasingly have become addicted to launching investigations against any and all political enemies, real and invented. It's not just about ACLU attorneys, illegal immigrants, electoral opponents, and newspaper publishers anymore.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  12-29-2009  |  Immigration

Janet Napolitano Pulls a Switcheroo on the Pro-Immigrant Crowdnew

You'd have to mine Davy Jones' locker to discover the true depth of Napolitano's duplicity over the federal government's 287(g) program, the new rules for which were announced with great fanfare by the Department of Homeland Security two weeks ago.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  07-28-2009  |  Immigration

Joe Arpaio's Immigration Raids at Water Parks Are All Wetnew

Despite the hullabaloo and expectations after the controversial Legal Arizona Workers Act went into effect, Maricopa County still has not filed any sanctions in cases against employers, nor has any of Arizona's 14 other county attorneys.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  07-14-2009  |  Immigration

Has the Sanchez Family Been Wrongly Targeted by Sheriff Joe Arpaio?new

Here's the rub: In spite of their last name, none of the Sanchezes is Mexican. They are all Yaqui Indians; they are all American citizens; they are as legal as the sheriff's family. They are, however, brown.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Lacey  |  03-17-2009  |  Immigration

How ICE Turned All Local Authorities into La Migranew

The real change for illegals is that once their status is discovered, Arizona cities get help from ICE that was unheard of two years ago -- help ensuring that nearly every illegal immigrant arrested by any local police agency will be removed quickly from the country.
Phoenix New Times  |  Ray Stern  |  10-07-2008  |  Immigration

Mesa Police Chief George Gascon Stares Down Sheriff Joe Arpaionew

Gascon squashed Arpaio's attempts to round up votes by rounding up illegal immigrants.
Phoenix New Times  |  Ray Stern  |  07-16-2008  |  Immigration

Scammer From the Slammernew

Here's why you shouldn't believe a word of an ex-con's bombshell "news story" about the Mexican government's helping illegal immigrants to enter the U.S.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  08-01-2006  |  Immigration

The Case of the Wily Coyotenew

Getting smuggled into the U.S. is a dangerous game, even when the smuggler is just like family.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  04-11-2006  |  Immigration

Postcards from the U.S.-Mexican Bordernew

Three friends passed out a few hundred disposable cameras and persuaded migrants to take pictures of their adventure crossing the desert. They hope to exhibit the results in art galleries.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jimmy Magahern  |  10-25-2005  |  Immigration

The Immigrant Who Won't Leavenew

Immigration authorities have busted a gut trying to deport self-styled businessman Emmanuel Agyeman. Even seven tumultuous years in an Arizona prison couldn't budge him.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  04-19-2005  |  Immigration

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