AltWeeklies Wire
Inside Westboronew

At Westboro Baptist Church, Steve Drain found religion but lost a daughter.
Tags: Westboro Baptist Church
New Life Ministries' Pastor Troy Campbell Follows the Example of Jesusnew
Unlike some of the more visible evangelical houses of worship in Kansas City, New Life seems serious about closing the gap between the church described in the New Testament and what's happening in the suburbs today.
Can't Get a Catholic Exorcism in Kansas City?new
James Vivian, who learned his demon-banishing skills from the star of the British reality show The Real Exorcist, is here to help.
The Search for the Mormons' Garden of Edennew

Mitt Romney and his fellow Mormons believe Adam ate the forbidden fruit in Independence, Missouri -- we set out to investigate.
Don't Feed the Preachernew
The kids hawking candy in the median aren't all doing God's work.
Tags: religion
War Gamenew

Now that the Rev. Fred Phelps has begun protesting at military funerals, people -- including some Missouri lawmakers -- are lining up to criticize him.
Tags: religion
The Exorcist?new
This minister has a little too much sympathy for the devil.
Used Clothing Collectors Deny They're in a Cultnew

Since Planet Aid started in the U.S. in 1997, news reports have questioned its connection to Tvind, a Denmark-based organization that government officials in France and Belgium have declared a cult.
A Relationship Between a Bank and a Church Draws Firenew
Some past members of a Missouri church see their conservative pastor’s business dealings with a bank executive as an unholy alliance.
The Voice of Red-State Christianity Battles Gay Marriagenew
The Rev. Jerry Johnston and other preachers who oppose same-sex marriage want lawmakers to let the people of Kansas vote on a constitutional amendment to "protect" marriage.
Christmas Play About the Apocalypse Inspires Conversionnew
The Sheffield Family Life Center’s annual pageant is a heartwarming little tale starring machine guns and the Antichrist.
Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Election Alienates Catholicsnew
Steve and Shayla King left their parish of 30 years because they were offended by a missive suggesting Catholics might endanger their eternal salvation if they didn't vote for a candidate who would protect innocent life. The letter issued in their diocese was intimidation, Steve King says.
Man's Story of How His Family Drowned Doesn't Hold Waternew
A freak rainstorm carried away Robert Rogers' minivan, killing his wife, children and a Good Samaritan. Rogers tells church crowds he walked away from a "wall of water" that night, but Kansas rescue workers say his account makes no sense.
Kansas City School District Looks to God for Guidancenew
At a mandatory back-to-school rally held at Community of Christ Church, employees of the Kansas City, Missouri, School District, were treated to speeches containing numerous references to God and faith.