AltWeeklies Wire
Dirty Secrets Under the Big Top

Lawsuits charge Ringling Bros. with abusing animals, endangering public health, and sabotaging its critics via former CIA spooks. This October, a federal court could finally determine whether rough, regular treatment of endangered Asian elephants by circus handlers constitutes illegal animal abuse. Could this be the end of the circus as we know it?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steve Jones |
08-15-2008 |
Animal Issues
San Francisco is a Dangerous Town for Butterfliesnew
According to lepidopterist Liam O'Brien, 24 of 58 local species have been wiped out in regional extinctions caused mainly by habitat destruction. Another three or four, he said, will likely be gone within the next five years.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Kat Renz |
07-23-2008 |
Animal Issues
Are Chicken Farm Cages Humane?new

Although the egg industry says the cage systems are science-based and humane, animal welfare activists say they are cruel and restrict natural behaviors. In November, voters will decide whether to ban the cages in California, thanks to a six-month signature-gathering effort sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States along with other animal welfare groups.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Alex Felsinger |
05-22-2008 |
Animal Issues
San Francisco's Zoo Bluesnew
A scathing report shows how the privatized zoo spent its bond money on tourist traps, not animals.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
G.W. Schulz |
04-09-2008 |
Animal Issues
Maybe All Clones Should be Labelednew
Some are debating whether they will eat cloned meat, but do they know a fertility researcher and a biotech company investor are busy cloning themselves?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
01-23-2008 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
SF Zoo Tiger Fiasco Was a Tragedy Waiting to Happennew
When I look at this story through the lens of a behaviorist, I think about the traits of various human subspecies -- politicians, bureaucrats, managers, spin doctors, journalists, self-proclaimed experts, and supposed guardians of health and safety. Frankly, I am not impressed.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Craig McLaughlin |
01-09-2008 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
The SPCA's Pet Projectsnew
Can San Francisco's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals overcome recent setbacks and regain its position as a leader in the national no-kill movement?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
G.W. Schulz |
06-06-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Where Are the Chicks?new
A half dozen male California quail are all that remain in the once-teeming Presidio -- what does the plight of the official state bird say about wildlife management in San Francisco?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Amanda Witherell |
01-17-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues