AltWeeklies Wire
How Far Will Montana Go for Healthy Cows?new

The state's livestock industry wants to eradicate brucellosis from Yellowstone, but more than the bison stand in the way.
Missoula Independent |
Patrick Klemz |
09-08-2008 |
Animal Issues
Back from the Brinknew
The feds are prepared to take wolves off the endangered species list -- are the Rocky Mountain states ready to take over?
Missoula Independent |
Jessie McQuillan |
02-09-2006 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Hazed and Abusednew
A bad year for America's last wild bison herd gets worse.
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
01-26-2006 |
Animal Issues
View to a Killnew
Buffalo Field Campaigners take aim at hunters in West Yellowstone during Montana's first bison hunt in 15 years.
Missoula Independent |
Brooke Hewes |
11-23-2005 |
Animal Issues
Blood Sportnew
The world is watching Montana's first bison hunt in 15 years, and the world isn't going to like what it sees.
Missoula Independent |
George Ochenski |
11-17-2005 |
Animal Issues
Bears with Usnew
Variously (and wrongly) portrayed as bloodthirsty killers or cuddly teddies, bears face a tough rap. Can Montanans set the record straight?
Missoula Independent |
Jessie McQuillan |
04-14-2005 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
How to Train a Bearnew
Grizzly bear deaths peaked last year in the Northern Continental Divide ecosystem at 31. Can the bruins survive human interaction?
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
03-24-2005 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Fighting Big Beefnew
Montana meat packer John Munsell files a potentially groundbreaking lawsuit against the USDA.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
11-04-2004 |
Animal Issues
Fear of an Indian Toeholdnew
In western Montana, at the 96-year-old National Bison Range, negotiations for a management handover to local tribes will set precedent for public lands all across America.
Missoula Independent |
Brad Tyer |
09-16-2004 |
Animal Issues