AltWeeklies Wire

Kitty Has Two Daddiesnew

An intrepid reporter sets out to resolve a feline custody dispute after a stranger reportedly takes another man's cat and refuses to give it back.
Dallas Observer  |  Jim Schutze  |  11-21-2005  |  Animal Issues

Blood Sportnew

The world is watching Montana's first bison hunt in 15 years, and the world isn't going to like what it sees.
Missoula Independent  |  George Ochenski  |  11-17-2005  |  Animal Issues

Horses: The Other Red Meatnew

Activists want to save them; Europeans and Asians want to eat them; but Congress is putting the slaughter of horses for human consumption on the chopping block.
Boulder Weekly  |  Daniel Boniface  |  10-25-2005  |  Animal Issues

Dr. Moo: A New Cow Doc Bucks the National Vet Trendnew

Large-animal vets are a dying breed; one of the rare professionals to undertake this dangerous work is a 27-year-old female cow doc in dairy-rich Vermont.
Seven Days  |  Paula Routly  |  10-12-2005  |  Animal Issues

D'oh! A Deernew

Animal rights activists ask archers to quit using deer and turkey targets because it incites violence against animals.
East Bay Express  |  Will Harper  |  07-18-2005  |  Animal Issues

Endangered Actnew

Conservatives smell blood among endangered species.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  07-07-2005  |  Animal Issues

Probing the Animal Rights Undergroundnew

Federal officials are targeting animal-rights activists in an investigation connected to San Francisco Bay area terror attacks.
East Bay Express  |  Chris Thompson  |  06-13-2005  |  Animal Issues

Neal Horsley Admits Mule Was First Girlfriendnew

Here's the transcript of FOX News Radio host Alan Colmes' interview with Neal Horsley, in which the anti-abortion activist is asked to respond to media reports that he admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Michael Wall  |  05-19-2005  |  Animal Issues

Eating Mr. Ednew

No one in America wants Black Beauty for dinner. The meat of the horses auctioned off in Sugarcreek, Ohio, is nearly all sold to countries like France, Belgium, Italy and Japan, where horse is a delicacy.
Cleveland Scene  |  Denise Grollmus  |  05-11-2005  |  Animal Issues

Aquarium's Acquisition Attempts Cause Wavesnew

Conservationists in Belize have provided a hint about at least one of the sea creatures that will be on display in the Georgia Aquarium after it opens Nov. 23.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Coley Ward  |  05-05-2005  |  Animal Issues

Human Hands at Work for Wolf Babiesnew

It's electrojaculating season, which means that help is on the way for the endangered Mexican gray wolf.
Riverfront Times  |  Ben Westhoff  |  04-26-2005  |  Animal Issues

Expose Ends in Legal Tussle Over Lionnew

Al Guart, a New York Post reporter, set out to show how easy it was to buy exotic animals in Ohio. The story generated a custody battle over a lion.
Cleveland Scene  |  Rebecca Meiser  |  04-19-2005  |  Animal Issues

Bears with Usnew

Variously (and wrongly) portrayed as bloodthirsty killers or cuddly teddies, bears face a tough rap. Can Montanans set the record straight?
Missoula Independent  |  Jessie McQuillan  |  04-14-2005  |  Animal Issues

How to Train a Bearnew

Grizzly bear deaths peaked last year in the Northern Continental Divide ecosystem at 31. Can the bruins survive human interaction?
Missoula Independent  |  Mike Keefe-Feldman  |  03-24-2005  |  Animal Issues

Go Forth, But Don't Multiplynew

An underground movement tries out a controversial way to reduce the homeless cat population while balancing humaneness and practicality.
Metroland  |  Darryl McGrath  |  03-04-2005  |  Animal Issues

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