AltWeeklies Wire
The Growth of Black Lives Matternew

After a wave of protests shook the streets of Oakland and Berkeley, activists have been hard at work enacting policy changes, building community networks, and practicing self-determination.
East Bay Express |
Erin Baldassari |
12-23-2015 |
Race & Class
Racial Profiling Via Nextdoor.comnew

White Oakland residents are increasingly using the popular social networking site to report "suspicious activity" about their Black neighbors — and families of color fear the consequences could be fatal.
East Bay Express |
Sam Levin |
10-09-2015 |
Race & Class
Outdated Laws Trap People of Color in Prison Systemnew

For decades, the United States has had the world’s largest prison population — by far. Though just over 4 percent of the world’s population lives in the United States, we account for 22 percent of the world’s prisoners.
Wisconsin Gazette |
Louis Weisberg |
09-11-2015 |
Race & Class
About Those Racist Friendsnew
You can't help but notice the unbelievably high number of comments on social media concerning the issue of what we should do about our "friends" who are racists.
Jackson Free Press |
Deirdre Jackson |
07-30-2015 |
Race & Class
‘A Violent Takedown’ in Stonewall,

One week after the death of Jonathan Sanders, a black man killed after a white police officer stopped him in the east Mississippi town of Stonewall, a clearer picture of tensions between local law enforcement agencies and the African American community is starting to emerge.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L Nave and Zachary Oren Smith |
07-23-2015 |
Race & Class
Confederate Flag Divides Mississippi Politiciansnew
In the wake of the Charleston massacre, the nation is questioning South Carolina's Confederate flag, and in turn, looking to Mississippi's state flag that features the symbol.
Jackson Free Press |
Arielle Dreher |
07-02-2015 |
Race & Class
My Friend Rachel Dolezal: Walk in Her Shoesnew
Long before she drew controversy for allegedly misrepresenting her racial background, Rachel Dolezal was a student in Jackson involved with community groups. Friends such as Kass Welchlin remember her as a giving person and a talented artist.
Jackson Free Press |
Kass Welchlin |
06-23-2015 |
Race & Class
‘Only Love Can Conquer Hate’new

Less than two months before his death in a mass shooting at Emanuel AME Church, the Rev. Clementa Pinckney led a service at his church calling for an end to racism, bigotry, and violence. He started with a prayer.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
06-22-2015 |
Race & Class
Blackness, Leisure and an American Dreamnew
Everyone was sold on the American Dream. The trouble is, when scenes like McKinney play out, it's hard to make a case that black people who bought into the dream shouldn't get every penny of their money back.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L. Nave |
06-12-2015 |
Race & Class
Tags: On being black
Where the Sidewalk Endsnew

D.C.'s law against blocking the sidewalk makes for an easy arrest.
Washington City Paper |
Will Sommer |
05-21-2015 |
Race & Class
Tags: Institutional racism
Rochester Marches for Baltimorenew

Members of several Rochester activist groups are marching through the city this afternoon to show support for people in Baltimore protesting the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. Marches and other events are taking place nationwide in what is being called the Black Spring movement.
City Newspaper |
Christine Carrie Fien |
05-01-2015 |
Race & Class
Oakland Police Still Appear to be Targeting Blacksnew

Newly released data shows that the Oakland Police Department continues to disproportionately stop, search, and arrest African Americans.
East Bay Express |
Darwin BondGraham and Ali Winston |
02-06-2015 |
Race & Class
Things Black Mothers Fearnew

Atlanta-based artist/author Carla Aaron-Lopez considers the woes of raising her two-year-old son in a world that already considers him a threat
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Carla Aaron-Lopez |
12-23-2014 |
Race & Class
News Media Ignores Black Protestsnew

Black demonstrators in Oakland and Berkeley are taking the reins of a movement and designing their own powerful protests against police violence. But the news media isn't interested.
East Bay Express |
Will Butler |
12-19-2014 |
Race & Class
Orlando Activists Protest Grand Jury Decisions in Ferguson and New Yorknew

Approximately 100 gather for peaceful protest to point out that racism and police brutality can happen anywhere.
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
12-10-2014 |
Race & Class