AltWeeklies Wire

San Antonio talks of community, but continues to build the dividenew

San Antonio is often best understood from afar, by a distant observer who can realistically compare it to other places. Recent months have seen three new studies that place San Antonio in a larger context and can help educate us about our community.
San Antonio Current  |  Heywood Sanders  |  10-26-2012  |  Economy

Microlender Acción Texas steps in when big banks stallnew

More than ever, the big banks are averse to providing loans to the nation’s small businesses — even while data show this to be the nation’s genuine job-producing sector.
San Antonio Current  |  Tony Cantú  |  07-20-2012  |  Economy

The QueQue: State Centers for the Disabled: ‘Still Deplorable’, Bank Transfer Day a Boon for RBCUnew

A settlement between the state of Texas and the U.S. Department of Justice in 2009 should have at least started showing signs of improvement at 13 State Supported Living Centers, home to hundreds of residents with severe developmental disabilities.
San Antonio Current  |  SA Current News Team  |  11-10-2011  |  Economy

Ban the Can Public Vote has Rhetoric Rising in New Braunfelsnew

A petition drive pushed by a coalition of New Braunfels businesses that sued the city in September over a ban on disposable containers on the Guadalupe and Comal rivers inside city limits has pushed the matter to the public.
San Antonio Current  |  |  11-10-2011  |  Economy

Boeing Gets Tax Break in San Antonio 787 Dreamliner Contractnew

Corporate welfare can feel like an abstraction, until it lands on top of you. Such has been the case of Boeing's decision to have six of the much ballyhooed 787 Dreamliners refurbished at Port San Antonio.
San Antonio Current  |  Tony Cantú  |  10-06-2011  |  Economy

Will Efforts to Revitalize San Antonio's Core Draw Locals Back?new

Justin Arecchi remembers brainstorming with local developers and pioneers like Hap Veltman and downtown jazz staple Jim Cullum for hours at a stretch at the long-since shuttered Kangaroo Court restaurant and bar along the River Walk.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  07-27-2011  |  Economy

In pursuit of a ‘better’ city, less tangible values become paramountnew

Travel magazines thrive on tourist recommendations that puncture popular myths about seemingly familiar places. In San Antonio’s rapid transformation across a number of sectors, today’s mapmakers can be excused for mostly missing the boat.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  07-25-2011  |  Economy

Notes from San Antonio's Underground Economynew

San Antonio is engaged in a vast and diverse "shadow economy," a bajillion financial transactions by countless folks whose necessities are paid for through means not accounted for by the GNP, not measured in the Dow Jones, and usually not registered with the IRS.
San Antonio Current  |  Sarah Fisch  |  05-20-2009  |  Economy

InJustice Systemnew

The 2005 bankruptcy "reform" is an anti-consumer law even judges hate.
San Antonio Current  |  Brian J. Rogal  |  06-14-2006  |  Economy

Robbing Peter to Subsidize Paulnew

College students pay the price for Republican tax cuts.
San Antonio Current  |  Aaron Block  |  05-24-2006  |  Economy

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