AltWeeklies Wire

Black Hole is a Fascinating Exploration of Growing Upnew

Set mainly in the Pacific Northwest, circa mid-1970s, Black Hole is the story, part science fiction, part horror, part coming-of-age, of a strange sexually transmitted disease that physically deforms those who catch it.
East Bay Express  |  Jason A. Zwiker  |  01-30-2008  |  Fiction

Love in a Time of Mutant STDnew

Harvey Award-winning graphic novelist Charles Burns spent more than a decade crafting Black Hole. It is a profoundly disturbing allegory of adolescence.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jason A. Zwiker  |  01-16-2008  |  Fiction

Black Holenew

Black Hole, the new release by ex-RAW magazine artist Charles Burns, is a wonderfully disturbing and imaginative graphic novel.
Dig Boston  |  Paul McMorrow  |  12-08-2005  |  Fiction

Charles Burns’s Grand Experimentnew

Black Hole is an illustrated novel focused on sex, the emotional ramifications of sex, our sex dreams, and every Freudian and Jungian sex trope under the sun.
Boston Phoenix  |  Matthew Shaer  |  11-29-2005  |  Fiction

Dark Artsnew

Comics master Charles Burns digs deeper in Black Hole.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Tom Chalkley  |  09-28-2005  |  Fiction

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