AltWeeklies Wire
'Rock On' Takes Us into the Bowels of the Recording Industrynew
The main draw is not the book's humor but its behind-the-scenes tour of the profit-driven, out-of-touch mismanagement of a major record label.
A Surprising Mix of Erudition and Popular Culturenew
An accomplished collection of poems that balances humor and sadness with surprising agility and grace.
This Book Opens Younew
To read it is to find yourself complicit in anguished dreams, carved and quartered by the eerie harmonics of a jagged, many-edged voice.
Jackson's Conclusions are Nothing Short of Astonishingnew
Half Life is a labyrinth of plot twists embedded with the history of twofer culture, tied together by Jackson's darkly humorous language play that mines the possibilities of campy twin culture.
Tags: Half Life, Shelley Jackson
A Fascinating Explorationnew
In her sumptuous new collection of stories, Soueif details the lives of a series of Arab women as they traverse the cultural line that divides East from West.
Tags: Ahdaf Soueif, I Think of You
The Confessional Letternew
In this well-researched novel where past and present, East and West, collide poignantly, Amis enables us to imagine a past so oppressive that the narrator cannot even refer to Stalin by name.
Tags: House of Meetings, Martin Amis