AltWeeklies Wire
EPA Looks Into American Cement Permitnew
In early October, neighbors of American Cement got word that the city had approved the permit to extend operation to 24 hours a day. The station at 4702 Carlton NW is a few blocks from Mountain Mahogany Community School and La Luz Elementary.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
12-15-2009 |
Albuquerque's Drinking Water Could Be at Risknew

Groundwater from Albuquerque's aquifer lies less than 500 feet below Sandia Labs' Mixed Waste Landfill. Sandia says there's no evidence any of the waste in the landfill has contaminated the water, but an environmental watchdog group says we can't know for sure.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
04-14-2009 |
Environmentally-Friendly Burials Save More than One Kind of Greennew
Dienna Genther's coffins have an obvious marketing appeal to those seeking a "green" burial, something that has become increasingly popular over the last few years. Yet she emphasizes the reduced financial burden on the deceased and their families when explaining her business motives. She speaks soberly and doesn't come off as an idealist as much as she does a tradesperson.
Weekly Alibi |
Marquis Dufek |
07-01-2008 |
Is Our Future in the Oil Patch?new
Tecton Energy of Houston won’t say what it’s found after six months of exploration. But the company is punching more wells into the ground to pursue its hunch that the area holds valuable quantities of natural gas.
Weekly Alibi |
Jim Scarantino |
02-05-2008 |
Tags: environment
There are Alternatives to Desert Rock Power Plantnew
Navajo grassroots organizations continue to chip away at a Desert Rock coal-fired plant. Meanwhile, supporters maintain the proposed power plant will provide much-needed revenue for the Navajo Nation.
Weekly Alibi |
Kyra Gurney |
02-05-2008 |
Tags: environment
New Mexico's Troubled Watersnew
A new Environment New Mexico report shows more than half of the state's major industrial and municipal facilities are polluting New Mexico's waterways.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
10-30-2007 |
Tags: environment
How to Cope With Legacy of Waste at Los Alamos?new
Los Alamos National Laboratory continues to develop nuclear weapons -- to the detriment of soil and groundwater, as the 36-square-mile lab now houses hundreds of waste sites contaminated with dangerous substances, some of which have already shown up in water supplies.
Weekly Alibi |
Jessica Cassyle Carr |
06-19-2007 |
Tags: environment
On the Bright Sidenew
Industries unite to combat greenhouse gases.
Weekly Alibi |
Laura Sanchez |
12-20-2006 |
Tags: environment
Have a Drink?new
Sandia National Labs and its critics disagree over the danger posed by a toxic landfill to Albuquerque's drinking water.
Weekly Alibi |
Tom O'Connell |
12-05-2006 |
Tags: environment