AltWeeklies Wire
Forgotten Assaultnew

A brutal attack on two transgender women in 2011 foreshadowed several troubling years of violent crime against the LGBT community in Cleveland, and the city's ill-equipped ability to respond.
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
12-24-2014 |
Tags: hate crimes
Marriage Equality Is Great And All,

Cleveland's LGBT community is focused on more important things right now.
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
06-19-2013 |
Boyz in the Hoodnew
It's no bar mitzvah -- the unfabulous life of the young, black, and gay in Cleveland.
Cleveland Scene |
Jared Klaus |
10-27-2006 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Gaveling Gaysnew
In the courtroom of a Stark County, Ohio, judge, justice isn't blind to sexual orientation.
Cleveland Scene |
James Renner |
06-08-2005 |