AltWeeklies Wire

Bear Takeovernew

The burly and brawny gay subculture of bears finds a niche in Oregon.
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  02-13-2015  |  LGBT

Running the Marriage-Equality Gauntletnew

In a small, gothic New Orleans courtroom that could have been a set from the TV series "Game of Thrones," judges and attorneys discussed the legality of marriage equality in the Deep South.
Jackson Free Press  |  Anna Wolfe  |  01-20-2015  |  LGBT

Marriage Equality Finally Comes to Floridanew

Even if you removed all of the hyperbolic superlatives from the vaunted journalism lexicon, pissed on them and then set them on fire, you would still hazard an errant exclamation point at the events that transpired in relation to same-sex marriage over the holidays when nobody was watching.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  01-07-2015  |  LGBT

Forgotten Assaultnew

A brutal attack on two transgender women in 2011 foreshadowed several troubling years of violent crime against the LGBT community in Cleveland, and the city's ill-equipped ability to respond.
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  12-24-2014  |  LGBT

Southern LGBTs Get Good, Bad Newsnew

Despite new information about social and economic disparities facing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the South, Mississippi continues to make slow, steady progress toward equality.
Jackson Free Press  |  R.L. Nave  |  12-19-2014  |  LGBT

The Queer Conundrumnew

With the recent state victories for marriage equality and a rising generation of people whose fluid identities don’t fit neatly into the he-she binary, are we on the cusp of a post-queer moment?
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  12-01-2014  |  LGBT

HRC Campaign Seeks to Bridge Faith and LGBT Advancementnew

The Human Rights Campaign has started an initiative to advance public education and engagement of LGBT issues through advertisements, door-to-door efforts, and communication through mail and phone calls.
Jackson Free Press  |  Anna Wolfe  |  11-14-2014  |  LGBT

Marriage Inequality Hurtsnew

When Terri Binion’s wife was killed in an accident at work, Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage left her with no legal recourse.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  11-12-2014  |  LGBT

It's Legal: Gay Marriage in North Carolinanew

Photos from Day One.
INDY Week  |  Jeremy M. Lange  |  10-16-2014  |  LGBT

Meet the Couples in Limbonew

The stories of 3 same-sex couples who tried applying for marriage licenses in South Carolina last week.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  10-16-2014  |  LGBT

What's Next for LGBT Activists in Colo.?new

Colorado finally won the battle for same-sex marriage. What does that mean for the warriors?
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  10-16-2014  |  LGBT

A Legal Marriage Under Attacknew

Nick and Jessica Fulgham, who married Sept. 18, received a wave of public backlash when American Family Radio, an anti-gay organization based in Tupelo, broadcast news of their marriage after it happened.
Jackson Free Press  |  Anna Wolfe  |  10-09-2014  |  LGBT

Knots Untied in Virginianew

Amid cheering supporters on the courthouse steps, Nicole Pries and Lindsey Oliver become Richmond’s first same-sex married couple.
Style Weekly  |  Ned Oliver  |  10-06-2014  |  LGBT

Time of Transitionnew

Many questions that have been raised – such as housing – regarding lesbian, gay and bisexual students have been answered, while the same questions affecting transgender students still linger.
Worcester Magazine  |  Brittany Durgin  |  09-10-2014  |  LGBT

Same-Sex Marriage in Louisiananew

A setback for same-sex marriage proponents, but plaintiffs vow an appeal.
Gambit  |  Kevin Allman, Clancy DuBos and Alex Woodward  |  09-10-2014  |  LGBT

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