AltWeeklies Wire

Marriage Equality Finally Comes to Floridanew

Even if you removed all of the hyperbolic superlatives from the vaunted journalism lexicon, pissed on them and then set them on fire, you would still hazard an errant exclamation point at the events that transpired in relation to same-sex marriage over the holidays when nobody was watching.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  01-07-2015  |  LGBT

Marriage Inequality Hurtsnew

When Terri Binion’s wife was killed in an accident at work, Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage left her with no legal recourse.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  11-12-2014  |  LGBT

Michael Sam and the "Future" of Footballnew

The revelation that Missouri’s Michael Sam is the first openly gay college player to be up for a pro draft inspired all manner of futurist hand-wringing on the part of anonymous league officials, who fretted to Sports Illustrated that, at this point in history, the world of pro ball just isn’t prepared for the sort of upheaval that hiring Sam would bring about.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  02-10-2014  |  LGBT

Florida’s LGBT Advocates Explore Options for Overturning State’s Marriage Bannew

In the wake of the DOMA decision, LGBT Floridians must navigate rocky road to equality
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  07-25-2013  |  LGBT

Weak Constitutionnew

The Roberts Court may not legalize gay marriage, but it’s hard to imagine that it’ll uphold Prop 8 and DOMA.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffery Billman  |  04-10-2013  |  LGBT

Til Death Do Us Partnew

The battle for a statewide domestic-partnership registry in Florida isn't just a policy fight. It's personal.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  04-10-2013  |  LGBT

Kicked Out For Coming Outnew

Zebra Coalition gives homeless LGBTQ kids a helping hand.
Orlando Weekly  |  Katherine Ramirez Massey  |  01-23-2013  |  LGBT

Separate, Not Equalnew

Orlando's same-sex couples celebrate passage of new domestic partner registry, but a fumble by Orange County's mayor dampens the mood.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  01-12-2012  |  LGBT

In the Name of Love (Pride)new

As Orlando prepares for Come Out With Pride, we highlight some reasons to be proud of our LGBT community.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes and Jessica Bryce Young and Jeff Gore  |  10-06-2011  |  LGBT

It Gets Betternew

Orlando's take on the national project to save gay youth
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes, Jeff Gore and Erin Sullivan  |  11-11-2010  |  LGBT

The Pink Elephant in the Roomnew

Why Gay Republicans Are Swallowing Their Pride.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  10-08-2010  |  LGBT

What are the Consequences of a Gay-Marriage Ban?new

In January, when Florida4Marriage announced that they had received enough signatures to secure a place for Amendment 2 -- the so-called "marriage amendment" -- on the November ballot, the future looked bleak for the initiative’s opponents.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  06-05-2008  |  LGBT

A Quest to Discover Why I Should Oppose Gay Marriagenew

I set out to ask a few Central Floridians what exactly being "against gay marriage" means. Could I find even one good reason why I, too, should sign that petition and so aggressively "defend marriage"?
Orlando Weekly  |  Omar De La Rosa  |  12-18-2007  |  LGBT

Keep Your Matrimony -- I've Got Mantrimonynew

I'm getting married to a man, and there's nothing supporters of a Florida constitutional amendment to define marriage as only between a man and woman can do about it.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  10-04-2007  |  LGBT

What's Hate Got to Do With It?new

Almost 10 years after Matthew Shepard's murder, that's still the question.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  05-31-2007  |  LGBT

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