AltWeeklies Wire

Why Slavic Immigrants are the Most Visible Face of Opposition to Gay Marriage in Washingtonnew

To them, the issue isn't just about homosexuality. The bigger fear is that the government will start dictating how they practice their religion, in an echo of the oppression they experienced at the hands of communists.
Seattle Weekly  |  Laura Onstot  |  12-14-2009  |  LGBT

Are Gays Too Late to Destroy Marriage?new

Could it be that traditional marriage, like communism, is an outmoded social contract straining under the weight of its own inflexibility? In the final analysis, it may not be same-sex marriage, but a simple insistence to self-determine, that's causing brittle institutions of church and state to crack.
Seattle Weekly  |  Kevin Phinney  |  08-31-2009  |  LGBT

Snub Gays, Buy Microsoft?new

Rev. Ken Hutcherson is urging his anti-homosexual followers to buy up stock to theoretically gain some control and reverse the company's support for gay-rights measures in the state.
Seattle Weekly  |  Rick Anderson  |  01-22-2008  |  LGBT

Over the (Capitol) Hillnew

The soul of Seattle's gayest neighborhood is being chipped away by high-priced condos. Does that signal the beginning of diaspora away from an older, richer, more hetero Capitol Hill?
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  01-22-2008  |  LGBT

There Goes the Gayborhoodnew

As gay couples flee Seattle's Capitol Hill and its drift toward overpriced sterility, an unlikely South County suburb helps fill the void.
Seattle Weekly  |  Laura Onstot  |  01-22-2008  |  LGBT

The End of Pridenew

It's time to stop parading and start marching.
Seattle Weekly  |  Roger Downey  |  06-21-2006  |  LGBT

Sexual Disorientationnew

An upcoming Supreme Court decision on gay marriage could aid opponents of the new, unrelated gay civil-rights law.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  02-08-2006  |  LGBT


If no one of Tom Cruise's stature is gay, it's because no one of Tom Cruise's stature has the balls to stop being someone of Tom Cruise's stature.
Seattle Weekly  |  Steve Wiecking  |  06-08-2005  |  LGBT

Wild, Wild Jim Westnew

Outed and accused of sexual abuse, the mayor of Spokane, Wash., might have dodged one of his own barbaric bullets.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  05-11-2005  |  LGBT

To Love, Honor, and Be Gaynew

How Washington state's Supreme Court will decide whether gay marriage is illegal.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  03-02-2005  |  LGBT

Abie Babynew

Don't ever call anyone gay. Look at the trouble it got C.A. Tripp into. The author of the The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln died in 2003 and now has to lie in the cold, cold ground while fellow historians kick at his dirt. Tripp claims in his book that Honest Abe was honestly a poofter.
Seattle Weekly  |  Steve Wiecking  |  01-19-2005  |  LGBT

One Nation, Under Menew

Before I begin, I have a simple request for the majority of voters in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Utah: Bend over.
Seattle Weekly  |  Steve Wiecking  |  11-10-2004  |  LGBT

Till Death Do They Part?new

While there’s been tons of attention on the first controversial bursts of weddings and related court maneuverings, few have looked at what makes gay and lesbian relationships work—or falter.
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  06-22-2004  |  LGBT

The Secular Case Against Gay Marriagenew

Gay marriage is less about an inalienable right and more about a choice society has to make, a change with far-ranging consequences for law and culture. Our society may or may not be ready to change its mind.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  06-22-2004  |  LGBT

Racing Down the Slippery Slopenew

What’s after gay marriage? Polygamy? Bring it on.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  06-22-2004  |  LGBT

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