AltWeeklies Wire
Dumb and Dumbernew

When it comes to Iraq, Bush has become a dictator -- the nation is going to have to come to terms with that.
Boston Phoenix |
Staff |
01-10-2007 |
If cold cash and hot favors were not out of the ordinary, under Hastert's leadership, what's a little boy-fancying?
Boston Phoenix |
Phoenix Editors |
10-05-2006 |
Tags: MarkFoley
Rally 'Round the Flagnew
Sometime in the next several days, the Senate is expected to vote on a constitutional amendment against flag "desecration," that would put this nation in the same league as Communists and Islamist theocrats.
Boston Phoenix |
Phoenix Staff |
06-22-2006 |
Bush's Fear Factornew
The president's wounds make him even more dangerous.
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
05-18-2006 |
Tags: George W. Bush
Invading Irannew
Reading Sy Hersh's article on Bush's intention to invade Iran can be as frustrating as it is enlightening, because Hersh doesn't fill in some very important blanks.
Boston Phoenix |
Mark Jurkowitz |
04-13-2006 |
Schmucks Unlimitednew

Considering the climactic shifts that now seem inevitable, that wall that crackpots want erected on the Mexican border may well end up serving as the one levee Bush ever built that protects brown people from flooding.
Boston Phoenix |
Barry Crimmins |
04-06-2006 |
The Only Question for Alitonew
Samuel Alito must be rejected should he refuse to state his opinion about executive supremacy or claim agreement with Bush’s approach to the constitutional separation of powers.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey Silverglate |
01-12-2006 |
Tags: Bush, appointees
The Bonfire of the Inanitiesnew

2005: there were procurement scandals, media scandals, emergency-preparedness scandals, even treason scandals. Seriously, could it have been any worse?
Boston Phoenix |
Barry Crimmins |
12-22-2005 |
Tags: yearinreview2005
America’s Republican Problemnew
Like the good snake-oil salesman he is, Bush is betting he can continue to fool most of the people most of the time. But reality intrudes.
Boston Phoenix |
Boston Phoenix |
12-22-2005 |
Harriet Miers: News From Nowherenew
George W. Bush’s nominee for the Supreme Court seat was first hired by W in 1993 in a title dispute over his East Texas fishing house. This tells us just about everything we are likely to know about why the president nominated her.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey A. Silverglate |
10-06-2005 |
Screw You, Americanew

Here's why 51 percent of the voters are wrong. To put it in lingo a NASCAR devotee would understand, "Y’all deserve a good talkin’-to."
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
11-11-2004 |
The Horror of Four More Yearsnew

George W. Bush assumes the mantle of leadership in his own right with the nation divided as it hasn't been since the Civil War.
Boston Phoenix |
The Editors |
11-05-2004 |
Kerry Is a Worthy Choice to Succeed the Dangerous Bushnew
An unconventional liberal, John Kerry has gone against the grain by supporting balanced budgets and welfare reform, by re-examining the way affirmative action functions, and by establishing himself as one of the Senate’s leading experts on terrorism long before 9/11.
Boston Phoenix |
The Editors |
10-28-2004 |
Reagan Was No Intellectual but a Thinkernew
Fables aside, Ronald Reagan’s true legacy is the parade of conservative ideologues who followed him to power.
Boston Phoenix |
Francis J. Connolly |
06-10-2004 |