AltWeeklies Wire
The New Socialism and the End of a Free Market Mythnew
This is perhaps the final crisis, in a line of crises, of the Bush/Cheney administration, which at best, has been a sour lesson to us all in "failed crisis management." The root of all of this stupidity is their fundamentalist belief that less government is better government.
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James Preston Allen |
10-31-2008 |
Politics, Economics & The Presidential Electionsnew
McCain says he's for education. But to oppose spending money to replace the Adler projector that was too old to get parts for -- what with holography and laser technology being way out of date -- his complaint proves McCain's real contempt of knowledge and education.
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Lionel Rolfe |
10-31-2008 |
Palin the Impalernew
America's latest manufactured celebrity, Sarah Palin, is intriguing for at least two reasons to those who are easily swayed by the mass hysteria the mainstream media stirs up from time to time over whatever nonentity it chooses to coronate at the moment.
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Lionel Rolfe |
10-10-2008 |
Dawn of the American Fascistsnew
Republicans, as hopefully a majority of Americans have finally figured out, are for the most part a collection of hypocrites, thugs and pious thieves. That is why they verge on being not old-fashioned conservatives, but American fascists.
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Lionel Rolfe |
09-18-2008 |
So What, America?new
Cheney's "so what?" means he's not going to change his mind about the war that he knows is right, even if he is wrong. "So what?" means that Bush is going to veto any bill that Congress passes that might interfere with "winning" -- but just what are we supposed to be winning in Iraq?
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James P. Allen |
04-18-2008 |
Involuntary Servitude at the Long Beach Court Housenew
Every year about this time I get this grinding feeling in my stomach when I get the honor of being summoned to serve on jury.
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James P. Allen |
04-18-2008 |
Two Gifts From the CIA
Langley feels the holiday spirit with two gifts to the White House ... the NIE and the erased torture videos!
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James Preston Allen |
01-16-2008 |
Why California Matters
The importance of the union's 2nd-largest state should not be underestimated in the Presidential race. Super Tuesday may hold the key to who will be the White House's next occupant.
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James Preston Allen |
01-16-2008 |
To Turn the Page or Not
A response to Senator Obama's call to turn the page in American history.
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James Preston Allen |
01-16-2008 |
LA's Scandals and the Media Distractions
The Los Angeles City Attorney and the Mayor seemed to have teamed up for a back to back scandal routine that has both of them working overtime to prove that they should be judged on their public performance and not their private lives.
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James Preston Allen |
07-12-2007 |
Scooting On Justice: Bush Lets Loyal Crook Walk
President Bush's commutation of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr.'s 30-month prison sentence for perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI drew sharp criticisms from across the political spectrum.
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Paul Rosenberg |
07-12-2007 |
The Tyranny of Fear Itself
Although most of us are most familiar with Roosevelt's most famous quote, "that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself," I truly wish we had that kind of leadership now in the White House that understood this idea rather than the little minds running around calling for "fear of fear."
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
05-30-2007 |
Is There Really A War Going On?
Well, there's a simple and a complex answer to that, most of which has to do with how the corporate owned media reports the war, or in this case doesn't report the war.
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James Preston Allen |
05-02-2007 |
A Bleak Anniversary
Bush is now moving to add not just 21,500 more troops as promised in his State of the Union address, but has added some 8,500 more on top of that.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
03-21-2007 |
The Wrong Way Home
Bush now seems poised to commit the next biggest blunder of his misguided war policy in Iraq -- to "surge" more troops into an already losing conflict.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
01-10-2007 |