AltWeeklies Wire

Tailgating the D.C. Tea Party on Tax Daynew

Fearless reporter escorts her right-wing father through the tea party in Washington, D.C. wearing a "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Liberal" T-shirt.
Weekly Alibi  |  Maren Tarro  |  04-22-2010  |  Commentary

Bless Our Dronesnew

The drone operator, typically a high school graduate from Marion, Ind., sits safely on the ground in a control module somewhere in Australia; he looks at a screen and flies the drone with a gaming handset similar to what he uses to play Mario Bros.
Weekly Alibi  |  Alex Limkin  |  12-15-2009  |  Commentary

Count Every Vote New Mexico Brings a Voter-Protection Program to the Statenew

The New Mexico battle between McCain and Obama is almost certain to be a tight one. Several down-ticket races are just as exciting with a slew of hotly contested federal and state legislative fights to be decided on Nov. 4. With so much on the line, it's more important than ever for voters to have accurate information.
Weekly Alibi  |  Steven Robert Allen  |  10-07-2008  |  Commentary

Politicians Rake it in While America Suffersnew

Demand for American-made cars and other manufactured goods may be declining in the U.S. Housing prices may be nose-diving. But we seem to have an insatiable urge to give money to American politicians, and we're willing to give more than ever. What exactly do we hope to get for all this money?
Weekly Alibi  |  Jim Scarantino  |  10-07-2008  |  Commentary

Will the Democrats Blow It in November?new

Lately I've been having one of those anxiety dreams, the same one over and over. I'm glued to my recliner on election night, unable to move my eyes from the screen. As the results are posted, the outcome becomes clearer and the unthinkable has happened: John McCain has won and the long, painful national catastrophe that is the Bush administration will assuredly spiral downward for at least another four years.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jerry Ortiz y Pino  |  07-01-2008  |  Commentary

Impeachment? What Impeachment?new

You probably didn't hear about it, but on June 11, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush in the House of Representative.
Weekly Alibi  |  Benjamin Radford  |  06-24-2008  |  Commentary

Terrorism Wins the War?new

The decision by Congress not to override President Bush's veto of the bill outlawing waterboarding by our government and its agencies makes it unanimous: All three branches of our government have now weighed in on the subject and agree that torture is just fine ... as long as we are the torturers.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jerry Ortiz y Pino  |  04-01-2008  |  Commentary

Election '08: Clinton's Hot Pokernew

Letting racism do its damage.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jim Scarantino  |  03-25-2008  |  Commentary

Calling Obamanew

Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton: a tough choice for me, as each would make an excellent president. (Of course, compared with the current occupant of the White House, so would Mike, my barber, but I digress.) What swung me behind Obama, in the end, was the energy he seems able to ignite in a citizenry long afflicted with political ennui.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jerry Ortiz y Pino  |  02-12-2008  |  Commentary

Democrats Against the War? Since When?new

Every Democratic candidate for president on down is "against the war in Iraq." But we wouldn't be in Iraq if Democrats hadn't surrendered Congress' constitutional power to declare war. Then once the war got going, Democrats pretty much abandoned the peace movement.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jim Scarantino  |  11-27-2007  |  Commentary

Why Immigration May Not Be Such a Big Issue After Allnew

If the national press is to be believed, the failed efforts of the Bush administration to achieve any sort of immigration reform have left this nation in the grip of an immigration dilemma of crisis proportions. Yet if a recent Albuquerque town hall is any indication, the much-ballyhooed crisis will eventually turn out to be the most oversold worry since the Y2K computer calendar sneeze.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jerry Ortiz y Pino  |  11-20-2007  |  Commentary

The Pathetic Democratsnew

Democrats delivered much clearer statements on Iraq before they reaped the results of last November's election -- now that they run Congress, they can't put together two coherent sentences explaining their policy on the occupation of Iraq.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jim Scarantino  |  09-19-2007  |  Commentary

General Petraeus' Anticlimaxnew

We already know the "situation" in Iraq -- we don't need yet another general spinning the truth, desperately trying to find some positive angle to highlight.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jerry Ortiz y Pino  |  09-11-2007  |  Commentary

How Many Divisions Has the Veep?new

It's time: impeach Cheney now.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jim Scarantino  |  07-24-2007  |  Commentary

How Bill Richardson Could Win the Presidencynew

Apparently, many New Mexicans can't believe our guy is a serious contender for the presidency.
Weekly Alibi  |  Jerry Ortiz y Pino  |  04-17-2007  |  Commentary

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