AltWeeklies Wire
The After-Bush Afterlifenew
To be effective, Obama's going to have to enlist some of these same centrist characters as his personal political henchmen. Appointing a bunch of progressives, as they are called, would only mean his task would be harder -- not easier. This is about getting stuff done. Not about providing feel-good therapy for a fleet of nervous-Nellie Prius pilots.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
11-14-2008 |
Yes We Did: What We Know and What We Don't About Our New American Eranew
Barack Obama's election is laden with so much significance it seems an impossible task to attempt any systematic unpacking. But this much is for certain: The full impact of the Oval Office being occupied by a black man has yet to hit home.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
11-07-2008 |
How George and Now Barack Mirror Our American Psychenew
When Barack Obama claimed his victory in Chicago's Grant Park, he thanked many people. But the one name missing from the list was the man who perhaps did the most to win Obama the presidency: George W. Bush. More than anyone else, he showed the disastrous downside of being born rich, white and well-connected.
L.A. Weekly |
John Powers |
11-07-2008 |
What We Talk About When We Talk About Socialismnew
There's something worth examining in the McCain campaign's desire to boil the archetypal Joe the Plumber and the prosecutorial Joe McCarthy up into a strange brew they hope will get an anxious electorate drunk enough to put the Arizona senator in the White House.
L.A. Weekly |
Joe Donnelly |
10-31-2008 |
The McCain Campaign is Flatliningnew
Tuesday's presidential debate was a death rattle not only for the McCain campaign but for a political era.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
10-10-2008 |
Reaganomics Meets the GOP-Bolshevik Statenew
The cratering economy has not only consigned free market voodoo economic theory to the dustbin of history, as Leon Trotsky would say, but has also transformed the GOP into the modern incarnation of the Bolsheviks.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
09-26-2008 |
Lehman Brothers Calls McCain's Bluffnew
Lehman goes bust. Merrill Lynch sells out. Freddie and Fannie had to be nationalized. WaMu teeters. Wall Street plummets down a black hole. And the entire global economy braces for a prolonged plunge. Somehow I just don't think that the national conversation is going to turn back to the merits or demerits of porcine makeup.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
09-19-2008 |
You'll Never Be VP: A Letter to My Daughter, the Community Organizernew
As I listened to Governor Sarah Palin address the nation the other night, I had to confess that -- as your father -- I have clearly failed.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
09-12-2008 |
Hurricane Sarah Blows McCain on the Bridge to Nowherenew
A rather shameless media swoon set in immediately after Sarah Palin's surprise appointment to the Republican VP spot last Friday. Reporters and anchors jostled each other aside in a race to celebrate the perky Governor What's-Her-Name's predilection for caribou stew, moose pie and children with screwball names. But the honeymoon was short-lived.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
09-05-2008 |
Rocking the Rhetoric at the DNC: Coachella for C-Span Junkiesnew

With notes on Harry Reid -- the unknown poet of the political speechwriting?
L.A. Weekly |
Jonathan Gold |
09-05-2008 |
Biden as VP Pick Exposes the Dems' Shallow Talent Poolnew
Well, I suppose he's better than Evan Bayh or Kathleen Sebelius, or that Texas congressman whose name I forget, the one who briefly showed up on the last-minute media shortlist. One more point in Biden's favor: He's not Hillary Clinton.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
08-29-2008 |
Why John Edwards' Sex Life is Our Business Toonew
It's precisely the gross and flagrant violation of our constitution and of our national values by seven dreadful years of the Bush administration that makes Edwards' betrayal of his supporters, his donors, his funders and -- potentially -- the greater interests of his country so disgusting. I voted for this guy, damnit, and I want my vote back!
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
08-15-2008 |
Election '08: Stupid McCampaign Tricksnew
With Obamapalooza in full swing, John McCain shouts into the media void.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
07-25-2008 |
Why its OK for Obama to Tread Middle Groundnew
If someone thinks that a progressive majority can actually govern by scorning and ignoring rather than including the tens of millions who consider themselves patriotic, flag-waving, born-again Christians, please let me know. Or better, send your memo directly to Dennis Kucinich.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
07-07-2008 |
The Week McCain's Not-So-Straight Talk Met Clinton's Funny Number-Crunchingnew
During the same week that Barack Obama clinched the majority of pledged Democratic Party delegates, the presidential mash-up was more frenzied than ever. It was a knockdown, blood-on-the-floor, caged grudge match between Clinton and McCain to see who could more brutally beat the American process into utter stupidity.
L.A. Weekly |
Marc Cooper |
05-27-2008 |