AltWeeklies Wire

Philly's Broken Justicenew

If you haven't been reading the Philadelphia Inquirer's series on our broken judicial system, you really should: it lays out in excruciating detail the failures of our "system".
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brendan Skwire  |  12-22-2009  |  Fashion

The Tramp Stamp Storynew

The so-called tramp stamp is considered alternately sexy or vulgar, depending on who's looking at it. Why the special term? And why the fuss?
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Amy Saltzman  |  05-18-2009  |  Fashion

Girls Wear the Darndest Thingsnew

The stupidest things. The silliest things. The most uncomfortable, soul-crushing, pointless things that ever did exist.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Caralyn Green  |  08-25-2008  |  Fashion

Philadelphia Weekly's Fashion Guidenew

Our look as a city is singular, and says a lot about who we are: We take the lowest forms and elevate them to high art, and not just by pasting random shreds together with Elmer’s. It’s a fashion informed by hand-picked care and love, and fused into something uniquely Philadelphian.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Staff  |  09-17-2007  |  Fashion

Undrcrwn Helps Spread the Peacenew

One of the Philly-based sneaker firm's T-shirt designs features the line "shoot baskets, not people," and is part of a stop-the-violence campaign.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Joshua Valocchi  |  06-19-2007  |  Fashion

Sword Is Bondnew

Double Edge Sword takes an anti-streetwear approach.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jack Schonewolf  |  02-20-2007  |  Fashion

Shirt Happensnew

Kenneth Cole makes a war message you can wear.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Cassidy Hartmann  |  07-24-2006  |  Fashion

Off the Wallnew

Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction's T-shirts bring the gallery to the barbecue.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kate Kilpatrick  |  06-19-2006  |  Fashion

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