AltWeeklies Wire

How Atheists Are Botching Their War on Religionnew

The atheist lobby and its standard-bearers attack all religion as dangerous and delusional. But religion can be a life-enriching experience that promotes community feeling and social values. Should we Imagine No Sports because of steroids, concussions, and Pioneer Square knife fights?
Seattle Weekly  |  Mark D. Fefer  |  02-02-2009  |  Commentary

Divorced From Realitynew

With little practical purpose, marriage is a powerful concept.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  08-02-2006  |  Commentary

The Muhammad Cartoon Warnew

It ain't so funny when fundamentalism is in your face.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  02-08-2006  |  Commentary

Heroism With a Differencenew

America's right-wing echo chamber has been having a field day with recent kidnappings in Iraq -- sneering that the peace activists had it coming and were foolhardy idiots. But they had every business being there.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  12-15-2005  |  Commentary

Bankruptcy of Spiritnew

If you strip Christmas of its religious and symbolic meaning, you're left with nothing but the emptiness exemplified by the few things you can still talk about, like sales figures and shopping riots. Who would Jesus punch for an Xbox?
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  11-30-2005  |  Commentary

A Fair Questionnew

The Expo in Japan makes one wonder if sustainability is sustainable.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  10-05-2005  |  Commentary

Back to Schoolnew

Bill Gates advocates better science education, yet the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a major contributor to the Discovery Institute, which promotes the notion of "intelligent design."
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  08-31-2005  |  Commentary

The Sanctity of the Dying Roomnew

Let's pull the plug on playing politics with Terri Schiavo.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  03-23-2005  |  Commentary

Tough Love for the Artsnew

The arts are a business like any other. It's time to rethink how they're funded, and whether taxpayers should be on the hook for artistic ambitions gone wrong.
Seattle Weekly  |  Roger Downey  |  01-19-2005  |  Commentary

The Most Overhyped and Underreported Stories of 2004new

Ronald Reagan's death and the improvement of the economy were among the overhyped stories, while global warming and the use of torture in federal and state prisons went underreported.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  01-05-2005  |  Commentary

Shocking Developments of 2004 in Reviewnew

2004 was the year the Rainier Bear was caught on tape drinking beer until it passed out. It's also the year we learned that cradling a warm laptop computer on your crotch can cause sterility.
Seattle Weekly  |  Rick Anderson  |  01-03-2005  |  Commentary

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