AltWeeklies Wire
The Pang Of Unrequited Love, Potholes And Brown Uniformsnew

Another problem rearing its ugly head again is the street rivalry amongst publications contending for space and location. You wouldn't believe what goes on.
Dig Boston |
The Captain |
02-14-2011 |
Tags: Weekly Dig
Broken Appendages Cause Bondingnew
Everyone looks at children with casts and thinks nothing of it—because they are young and jump and fall all the time, they are supposed to break things. Adults, on the other hand, are not.
Dig Boston |
Cat Mooney |
09-03-2008 |
Tags: broken bones, casts
Car - Bicycle - Pedestrian Hierarchynew
By framing the streets of Boston as a one-on-one fight between cars and bicycles, they're establishing a hierarchy that puts both groups above my people, the pedestrians.
Dig Boston |
Stewart Mason |
02-06-2008 |
Gay Bash: A Note to the Gay Medianew
Arouse thyself!
Dig Boston |
Michael Brodeur and Lissa Harris |
05-16-2007 |
Dear Guy At the Show:new
Look, I get it: You think the band that is playing in front of us is awesome ... I'd like to judge for myself, but you keep screaming in my ear "OH COME ON" when I don't respond to your question "How awesome are these guys?"
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
05-10-2007 |
America Has Outgrown its Need for Shock Jocksnew
While Don Imus did grab the nation's attention, it wasn't because he "shocked" us. It was because he was cruel, crude, embarrassing and disgusting -- something anyone can do by taking a dump on a puppy.
Dig Boston |
Baratunde Thurston |
04-25-2007 |
Dear Guy Who Shook Up a Beer and Sprayed it All Over the Bartenders:new
Remind me to castrate your friends working the door that night, who are most likely responsible for you not getting your wannabe-fratboy ass thrown out on the street.
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
04-25-2007 |
Dear Bitch With the New Cellphone:new
If I ever have the urge to listen to a frantic medley of garbles, ting-tings and cheesy laser gun zaps interspersed with bastardized electronic classical favorites, I will suffer them in privacy -- I strongly suggest that you do the same.
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
02-22-2007 |
Remembering Eric Weinbergernew

A pacifist lifer passes on.
Dig Boston |
Dan Roche |
02-14-2007 |
To the Asshole Who Scribbled on My Jacket in Pen:new
I don’t know if you're some stupid kid, moronic adult, or what your malfunction is, but I wish I knew who you were so I could rip your face off and use your skin to clean my coat up.
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
01-24-2007 |
Dear Hot Guy Who Peed On Menew
It was a great drunken-yet-benign sleepover -- until I woke up. Dude, you peed on me!! What the fuck!??!?
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
01-10-2007 |
Dear Coworker

Your insistence on coming in to the office sick is not a noble act of martyrdom -- rather, it is foolish and inconsiderate.
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
01-03-2007 |
Chick Lit is Hurting Americanew
I used to read, edit and publish chick lit, and I'm here to tell you: Chick lit does hurt people. Chick lit hurts America.
Dig Boston |
Anonymous |
08-31-2006 |
Tips for Destroying Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeernew
It would really spice up everyone's Christmas season if Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, for its yearly broadcast, would feature some "extra" scenes for good measure. Hey, sometimes change is good.
Dig Boston |
Joe Keohane |
12-15-2005 |
Want to ban something? Ban straight women from gay bars.
Dig Boston |
Edward John |
09-21-2005 |