AltWeeklies Wire

How I Got Steamed on a Trip to the Air-conditioned Outdoor Mallnew

Last Tuesday around 1 p.m., with the temperature in the mid-80s and the humidity about that high, I took a cruise through the Plaza: I counted 20 stores with doors open and ACs blasting.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  07-17-2007  |  Commentary

Ted Haggard Should Say 'Show Me'new

Dear Rev. Haggard: Missouri is clearly the best choice for a disgraced minister -- that's especially true for someone like you, who, despite your sordid history with a male prostitute, has recently discovered that you're "completely heterosexual."
The Pitch  |  Eric Barton  |  02-14-2007  |  Commentary

She's No Martinnew

White politicans shamelessly hijack MLK Day.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  01-31-2006  |  Commentary

Get Some Ballsnew

Some Kansas City fogeys are too afraid to even talk about a downtown ballpark.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  11-01-2005  |  Commentary

The ACLU Is About More Than the Patriot Actnew

The retiring executive director of the ACLU of Kansas and Western Missouri is afraid new members of the organization will forget its unglamorous, week-to-week mission.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  07-06-2005  |  Commentary

Probing the Private Records of an Attorney Generalnew

The Pitch would like to know the last time Phill Kline went to the doctor and what for. But it lacks the power of the Kansas Attorney General, who subpoenaed 90 women's records from two abortion clinics.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  04-12-2005  |  Commentary

Behind the Veil: What's Up With Gay Marriage?new

Aside from a few deluded lovebirds who were inexplicably driven to imitate the most overrated institution in heterosexual culture and the do-gooder attorneys who then felt compelled to represent them, no gay person I know well has ever wanted to get married.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  11-24-2004  |  Commentary

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