AltWeeklies Wire

Santa Fe Vilenew

One man tastes Southwestern knock-off food so you don’t have to.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Enrique Limón  |  03-28-2013  |  Food+Drink

Five Ways to Be a Better Locavorenew

Some of us don’t like meat. Or eggs. Or cheese. Or milk. Or anything that’s been cooked. Oh wait, that’s totally not true. But some of us choose not to consume these foods for very good reasons.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Marin Sardy  |  03-11-2010  |  Food+Drink

Scaling Up the Local Food Economy Depends on Finding Regular Buyersnew

On a recent flight between Santa Fe and Portland, Ore., my peanut and cracker offerings struck me as particularly pathetic. What if, I wondered, airlines picked up exciting and regionally characteristic snacks each time planes stopped in different locations?
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Zane Fischer  |  10-29-2009  |  Food+Drink

Hot Buttered Love: Butter Makes the World Betternew

Several spreadable butters have been developed over the years. Most of them are sold in tubs and marketed as butter substitutes and, while it's now easy to find trans-fat free varieties, if you can't believe it's not butter, then it isn't. With recipe for Lemon Butter Bars.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  A Qasimi  |  11-20-2008  |  Food+Drink

Will the Future of the Chile Include Genetic Engineering?new

Between the shaky agricultural market and the influx of various diseases, commercial chile farmers say they are struggling to survive. Scientists believe genetically modified chile seeds could be the answer to the crop's woes.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Laura Paskus  |  10-17-2008  |  Food+Drink

From Humble to High Art, Peanut Butter is a National Obsessionnew

Sometimes I'll ask someone if they like peanut butter, and they'll say that they prefer some other nut butter -- almond, usually. That's all well and good, but it's not the same thing.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  A Qasimi  |  10-09-2008  |  Food+Drink

The Temple of the Golden Archesnew

The question remains: Can a modern, socially conscious Santa Fean have his Big Mac and eat it, too?
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  09-18-2008  |  Food+Drink

Why Are So Few Female Chefs Drawn to the Helm of Restaurant Kitchens?new

Many believe the explanation is the crazy hours and militaristic physicality of the work, but isn't the field of emergency nursing, which poses similar challenges, run by women?
Santa Fe Reporter  |  A Qasimi  |  08-28-2008  |  Food+Drink

If Bottled Water is the Devil, What's a Thirsty Person To Do?new

Mounting evidence suggests bottled water -- between the waste produced by the bottles and the energy consumed to produce and transport it -- is a considerable threat to the environment. Green-minded folks have been trying to find alternatives to plastic bottles, but the alternatives are few -- and raise environmental questions of their own.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Charlotte Jusinski  |  08-14-2008  |  Food+Drink

Mark Winne Examines the Politics of Eatingnew

The community food systems expert talks with us about how economic divisions in the US affect the way people eat. We also present an excerpt from Winne’s recent book, Closing the Food Gap: Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty, which examines this problem in detail.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Mark Winne and Charlotte Jusinski  |  07-10-2008  |  Food+Drink

Veggie Soup for the Soulnew

Soup au Pistou is a Provencal soup named for it's most striking ingredient: a French version of pesto. With recipe that serves six.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Gwyneth Doland  |  05-01-2008  |  Food+Drink

Lasagna Lessonsnew

You can do whatever you want to lasagna and people will love it. You can't mess it up. You can even use noodles the color and texture of cardboard. Nobody cares!
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Gwyneth Doland  |  03-06-2008  |  Food+Drink

You Are How You Eatnew

The benefits of the family dinner.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Gwyneth Doland  |  02-28-2008  |  Food+Drink

Winter Inspirationnew

Just because it's winter doesn't mean you should skip salad.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Gwyneth Doland  |  01-24-2008  |  Food+Drink

Flavorful Readsnew

Just in time for last-minute shopping, I've compiled a list of my top 10 favorite food books of the year. They may not be the ones everyone's talking about, but they're awesome.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Gwyneth Doland  |  12-20-2007  |  Food+Drink

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