AltWeeklies Wire

Snookered in Seattle: The WTO Riotsnew

A former Seattle Police chief offers an inside account of the WTO protests of 1999 and how they got out of hand.
Seattle Weekly  |  Norm Stamper  |  06-01-2005  |  Excerpts

Reading Summer Spectacularnew

Out of the (approximately) 1.7 billion books that will be coming out this summer, we’ve narrowed the list down to the 12 that will best accompany your poolside lounging or air-conditioner worshipping.
Dig Boston  |  Mark Polanzak  |  05-26-2005  |  Excerpts

In Prison, Infamous Inmate Felt Isolated and Unfairly Treatednew

At Albion Correctional Facility, the young Amy Fisher spent years in solitary for dying her hair with lye soap or for growing her fingernails too long. She passed the time plucking the hairs from her legs one by one.
Long Island Press  |  Amy Fisher and Robbie Woliver  |  10-04-2004  |  Excerpts

Excerpt from Novel "Ride" Describes Young Man Learning to Take Busnew

He could have been the first black chief justice of the Supreme Court, Superintendent of the Pittsburgh Public School System, The Reverend Doctor Elliott Madison Meade. It was probably with something like this in mind that his mother had named him, and the disappointment of any possible chance of that, the likely reason behind her reportedly vehement rejection of him now.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  David Walton  |  08-07-2004  |  Excerpts

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