AltWeeklies Wire

John Freeman Explores Email's Dark Side ... in an Email Interviewnew

Freeman has been busy lately, both as the new editor of the lit mag Granta and with the writing of The Tyranny of E-Mail, the subject of, LOL, this email interview.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Scott Dickensheets  |  11-20-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Philip Roth Looks Back on a Legendary Career, and Forward to His Final Actnew

The backward-looking, documentary storytelling impulse in Indignation is a continuation of a growing vein of Roth's work in the past decade, books obsessed and possessed by American history.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  John Freeman  |  09-19-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Jay Louis Talks About 'Hot Chicks With Douchebags'new

Giving new meaning to the phrase "Are you in the book?" first-time author Jay Louis' debut attempts to plant a righteous finger into a dam bursting with sightings of, well, hot chicks with douchebags, that is, men Louis would consider unworthy with the women they are unworthy of.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Xania Woodman  |  08-01-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Dennis N. Griffin Sets the Record Straight on the Vegas Mobnew

From his consulting on the Vegas Mob Tour by bus here in town, to the speaking engagements he conducts showing scenes from the film Casino and setting the record straight, Griffin wants you to know the real story about the mob in Vegas.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Danny Axelrod  |  05-16-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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