AltWeeklies Wire
Exploding Hearts 4Evernew

10 years ago, a car crash wiped out Portland’s biggest punk band. Finally, the sole survivor tells all.
Willamette Week |
Emilee Booher |
03-28-2013 |
Tags: Exploding Hearts

Walking in the complicated shadows of Elvis Costello's storied past.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
04-13-2012 |
Watch Wieden+Kennedy's Portland Music Documentarynew
Anytime you make a documentary on the Portland music scene, a few common topics are brought up. Portland is cheap. Portland has lots of basements. Portland is creative. And, of course, the biggie: it rains ALL THE TIME. But there are a lot of stories that haven’t been told.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
12-09-2009 |
Can Portland Provide Fair Wages for Working Musicians?new

The concept of "fair trade" for music has been bandied about in Portland for a couple years, but the movement is now starting discussions with clubs in hopes of setting a fair wage for all performing musicians, whether they be union or non-union workers.
Willamette Week |
Amanda Ingram |
09-30-2009 |
Why is Modest Mouse Frontman Isaac Brock Starting from Scratch With Obscure Portland Bands?new

Brock, 34, acknowledges that his new role as an indie label kingpin is a departure, though he's quick to add that he's always been interested in the business side of music.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
09-16-2009 |
Soundtracking Change This Election Daynew

As the world awaits the results of the most important presidential election in, oh, 40 years, we've put together a playlist with song selections from some of Portland's finest musicians of tracks to listen to on Election Tuesday.
Willamette Week |
Michael Mannheimer |
10-29-2008 |
Notes from Pendleton Rock Campnew
Recently completing its third year, local promoter/musician Peter Walters' Pendleton Rock Camp spent a week crafting bands out of around 50 emo-loving Eastern Oregon kids.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
08-06-2008 |
Air Guitar Tips from Bjorn Turoquenew

Team U.S.A. is touring 24 cities, looking for rockers who can compete in the national finals in San Francisco and the world championships on Finland's Kuusisaari Island. Here's how to be one of them.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
06-18-2008 |
Deal or No Deal?new
Mapping out the (momentary) fall of the Young Immortals.
Willamette Week |
Jay Horton |
02-06-2008 |
Tags: The Young Immortals
Chris Walla on Seized Hard Drive and Solo Worknew
His solo debut, Field Manual, garnered attention well before its release: In October, the Department of Homeland Security seized the album's master files during their transport across the Canadian border.
Willamette Week |
Amy McCullough |
01-23-2008 |
Tags: Chris Walla, Field Manual
When Did Playing a Cello Become, Well, Kind of Cool?new
Quick: Name your favorite cellist (besides Yo-Yo Ma). Chances are, when you hear the words "rock star" or "Portland music scene," the cello is the last instrument that comes to mind -- unless you're Doug Jenkins of the Portland Cello Project.
Willamette Week |
Paige Richmond |
10-24-2007 |
A Hour-By-Hour Breakdown of MusicfestNWnew
Willamette Week sent our writers out to soak up both MusicfestNW and PICA's Time-Based Art Festival. And then their heads exploded.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
09-12-2007 |
Portland's Music Scene is Great, Unless You're Under 21new
Portland's MusicfestNW hosts 158 bands on 16 local stages -- but for anybody under legal drinking age those numbers dwindle to 40 and four, respectively.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman and Amy McCullough |
09-05-2007 |
Halleluwah Festival of Enthused Arts Returnsnew
This year it's at Holocene, for three days instead of two, but with one stage -- many of the old favorites are back, including White Rainbow, Valet, Evolutionary Jass Band.
Willamette Week |
Michael Byrne |
08-29-2007 |
Report from Lollapalooza: Fear, Loathing and Heat Prostrationnew
Sure, it's easy to make fun of the proto-frat boys and Trixies who keep music festivals afloat but some folks are here for the music.
Willamette Week |
Jay Horton |
08-08-2007 |