AltWeeklies Wire
This Little Undergroundnew
In this new reality, the Middle East is in the global spotlight like never before. Although American awareness of the region is at a zenith, our view of it continues to be slanted, narrow and impersonal. All the more reason to thank whoever it is you worship for a film like Heavy Metal in Baghdad, the provocative new Vice Films documentary.
Orlando Weekly |
Bao Le-Huu |
06-26-2008 |
This Little Undergroundnew
With the country’s political scene all astir right now, activism is on tap everywhere. Being a mirror of culture, the music community is likewise alive with dissent, particularly musician Max Bernstein. The son of Carl Bernstein (one of the two journalists who exposed the Watergate scandal) and former frontman for pop-punk act the Actual, he has dedicated himself to political commentary through his current band Max and the Marginalized.
Orlando Weekly |
Bao Le-Huu |
06-12-2008 |
This Little Undergroundnew
Bao talks about the good, the bad and everything in between in the music world.
Orlando Weekly |
Bao Le-Huu |
06-05-2008 |
This Little Undergroundnew
Review of FMF.
Orlando Weekly |
Bao Le-Huu |
05-22-2008 |
Tags: FMF, This Little Underground
This Little Undergroundnew
Reviews of recent concerts and music news.
Orlando Weekly |
Bao Le-Huu |
05-15-2008 |
The Far End of the Long Tailnew
Online sites offer lost classics for next to nothing.
Orlando Weekly |
Jason Ferguson |
05-08-2008 |
Rhyme & Punishmentnew
Loving the Wu means loving your inner masochist.
Orlando Weekly |
Justin Strout |
01-28-2008 |
Tags: The Wu-Tang Clan
Music Geneticists Mine Individual Tastesnew

Radio used to push musical tastes, but the internet suggests.
Orlando Weekly |
Chris Parker |
01-07-2008 |
Orlando Musicians to Watch in '08new
Includes upcoming albums by Christina Wagner, Mumpsy, Solillaquists of Sound and more.
Orlando Weekly |
Justin Strout |
01-07-2008 |
The Fames (And Shames) of Kanye Westnew
Next month sees the release of his third album in as many years, Graduation, and as the music world awaits the next attention-getting twist in the West saga, let's take a look back at some highlights and lowlights from Hurricane Kanyeezee.
Orlando Weekly |
Justin Strout |
08-28-2007 |
Tags: Kanye West
Mix Tape Mistakesnew
That song seemed like a good, romantic idea at the time, didn't it?
Orlando Weekly |
Jason Ferguson |
02-08-2007 |
Pretty Sounds Displace Punknew

Now that punk rock is sanded down and pitch-corrected, the new music of rebellion has a much softer sound.
Orlando Weekly |
Chris Parker |
06-02-2004 |