AltWeeklies Wire

'Under the Same Moon' Humanizes the Immigration Issuenew

The feature film debut of director Patricia Riggen follows the long-distance parent-child relationship between Rosario, a woman who has crossed the border from Mexico to seek work in Los Angeles, and Carlitos, the 9-year-old son she left behind with her mother.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Chris Herrington  |  04-18-2008  |  Reviews

'Moon' Made of Cheesenew

Immigration-themed weeper is deported from greatness.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff  |  03-27-2008  |  Reviews

'Under the Same Moon' Puts a Cute Lil' Face to Illegal Immigrationnew

It's fairly safe to say that this film was not made by right-wing-radio-listening, border-fence-building members of the Minuteman Project.
Weekly Alibi  |  Devin D. O'Leary  |  03-25-2008  |  Reviews

'Under the Same Moon' Feels Syntheticnew

The recent surge in Mexican-made films on both sides of the U.S. border has had mostly positive results, but I suppose we were due to see a downside at some point. This relentlessly goopy kid-in-jeopardy film is that downside, unless you were yearning for a Spanish-language version of last winter's August Rush.
Fort Worth Weekly  |  Kristian Lin  |  03-20-2008  |  Reviews

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